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Library and Data Services for MSB Faculty

Beginning of Semester

Teaching alliance with Library

I am here to help your students in class and on their own time.

In Class:

I can come into your classroom or your students can use the Dubin Room.

5 min- Overview of library services and finding information on the library's website.

30 min- To cover 3 relevant databases, including one article database (covering why and how to cite the source).

20 min- Hands-on time working on the assignment.

7 min- To discuss problems/strategies.

other items to cover:

20 min- Data sources and evaluation and Open data.

15 min- Using Refworks or Zotero to collect and manage citations and create a bibliography.

20 min- Evaluating webpages and effective web-searching.

10 min- How to find non-published information:  associations, conferences, interviews.

35 min- Understanding bias and developing critical thinking.

Customized - Tailored to the needs of your course, for example.

On their time:

If you don't have time for me to come to your class, please consider some of these services: create a course guide to assist students in assignments and further enlightenment, add current awareness via an RSS feed on your Blackboard page, or add links to learn better web searching skills.  I can also create online tutorials for specific databases.  Feel free to direct your students to me during my chat hours (change every semester), schedule a Research Consultation, or set up a Four-Warm Bodies session.

Guides:  A course guide or subject guide that focuses attention on relevant sources or services and acts as a primer to start exploring.

Online Tutorial: Concentrates on how to use one source that may have a steep learning curve, such as Simmons Oneview, Ad$penderetc.

Research Consultation: Schedule an appointment to discuss your project with the business librarian, whether you're just getting started, are almost done, or want to get your research published.

Student-requested sessions/Four-Warm Bodies:  This arrangement by appointment is made between at least 4 students and me to come to Hariri and teach them a database such as Bloomberg or other complicated databases that require some kind of hands-on experience to understand how to use it.

How to Put Materials on Reserve?

To have material put on reserve at the Lauinger Circulation Desk, complete and submit the appropriate form(s). Both e-articles and books can be put on reserves.

  • Electronic Reserves Form in PDF
  • Book Reserves Form in PDF
In general:
  • There is no limit to the number of items a professor may place on course reserves
  • All books, book chapters, and articles can be placed on reserve.
  • If the library does not have the item, a copy will be ordered.
  • Personal copies of books can also be placed on reserve.
  • When Access Services staff create a Course Reserves for individual classes a link to that class' Course Management System page is simultaneously created. You can access your reserves without leaving Blackboard. Find our link, Georgetown Reserves and Resources, under Course Tools on your class' Blackboard page.
To expedite your request, please bring the reserve material when turning in the reserve form. Forms and materials can also be sent to Requests will be processed in the order received and may take 2 or more days. Telephone (202) 687-7607

Services for Teaching

Open Educational Resources (OER)

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