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Library and Data Services for MSB Faculty

About Jennifer C. Boettcher

Jennifer C. Boettcher

Laurel, MD 20708

@jennywombat *

571 216-349nine (c) * 202 687-749five (w) *

 I. Experience and Education

 A. Experience

1. Joseph Mark Lauinger Library, Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia, September 1997- present

Head of Social Science Research-------------November 2020- Present

Business Bibliographer, grade 3 ------------ February 2002-present

Economic Liaison ------------------------------- May 2001-June 2012, August 2014-March 2015, May 2018- March 2019

Public Policy Librarian ------------------------ August 2014 - March 2015

Copyright Advisor ------------------------------ July 2013 - May 2014

Vendor Relations ------------------------------- March 2009-January 2010

Business Reference Librarian, grade 2 -----September 1997-February 2002

 - Provide reference and develop collections in the areas of finance, international business, economics, marketing, management, accounting, decision science, and other related fields

- Provide business and economic reference and bibliographic instruction to students and faculty

- Create instructional materials

- Provide general reference services in the Main Campus Library both in-person, chat, and email

- Weed and select items for storage in the circulating, serials, and reference collections

- Coordinate reference, instruction, and collection for social science fields with open research positions

- Negotiated with vendors and consortia for best prices and licensing of electronic resources for the library (2009-2010)

- Streamlined the acquisition process by improving communication between bibliographers, vendors, and the acquisition department, (2009, won an award)

- Created and implemented the Enterprise Academy for Business Research (1998-2000)

- Created and cultivated the Business Intelligence Center portal (1998-2005)

- Supervised the CIRLA fellows and business librarian students from Catholic University’s library school working in the Research and Instruction Department (2000-2008)


Selected Software Expertise

Selected unique titles- USPTO, Bloomberg, Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS), Factiva, Research Insight, PrivCO, CCH IntelliConnect, Thomson OneBanker, Social Explorer, Data-Planet, ICPSR, Westlaw, Mergent Online, WorldBank/IMF, SourcOECD, Economatica,, American FactFinder, DataFERRET, World Trade Online, International Financial Statistics, SRDS, Euromoitor, Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage, Gartner Group Research, LIVEDGAR,, Socrates, Ad$pender, Business Knowledge Research, Cabell, SBRnet, Data Analysis and Retrieval Tool (DART), Simmon's Choices 3, Simmons OneView, MRI-Simmons, iPoll, Datastream, Financial Accounting Research System (FARS), Political Risk Services, Social Sciences Citation Indexes, Morningstar's Principia Plus, Statistical MasterFile, Chemical Abstracts, Broadcast News, Mediamark Reporter, Literature of the Nonprofit Sector Online, CorpTech

 Selected search engines- Primo, Dialog, Lexis/Nexis, Innovative Interface, ProQuest, WebSPRIS, EBSCO, Ovid, InSite,1st Search, Economist Intelligence Unit, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Academic Universe, Stat-USA, JSTOR, Google Scholar

 Selected software applications- Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Groupwise, WordPerfect, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, ArcView (GIS), RefWorks, Camtasia


Additional Work Experience

2. School of Library and Information Science, Catholic University of America, Washington,

District of Columbia

Adjunct Faculty--------------------- Spring 2003, Summer 2005, and Spring 2006-2008.

- Taught the Business Information course LSC 819.


3. West Campus Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas

Business Reference Librarian --------------------- June 1994-September 1997

- Provided reference services for the College of Business and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

- Assisted in collection development in the area of business

- Supervised one full-time Library Specialist (until 1996 reorganization)

- Assisted in the development of library instruction materials

- Acted as product manager for 10 CD-ROMs


4. National Small Business Development Center Research Network, Albany, New York

Information Specialist II, ------------------ Head of Reference May 1993-June 1994

Information Specialist I ------------------ October 1992-April 1993

- Developed the collection of print and non-print materials

- Provided in-depth research for questions concerning small businesses and marketing

- Installed and implemented new CD-ROM products

- Designed reference evaluation program and calculated monthly and annual statistics

- Maintained the vertical file and created a controlled vocabulary for filing


5. New York State Small Business Development Center, Albany, New York

Student Librarian --------------- May 1992-September 1992

Library Intern --------------------- February 1992-May 1992

- Answered requests for information from New York state's small business counselors

- Created original cataloging of monographs and serials using Pro-Cite

- Assisted in the collection development for a new library


B. Education

1. Degree Programs

M.B.A., Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia.

 M.L.S., State University of New York, Albany, New York.

 B.A., University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire.

Major: Art History Minor: Psychology

 2. Additional Education (all or multiple day(s) focused events)

csv,conf,v5, Online, May 13-14, 2020.

 Information Visualization with SLA Maryland Chapter's MeetUp2Learn, IVMOOC, 2018.

 Beyond the Numbers Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, 2014, 2016, 2018

 Library Assessment Conference, Academic Research Libraries, Seattle, WA, 2014

 EMBA 822: Management Communications by Jeanie Turner, Georgetown University, 2013

 Inspiring leadership Through Emotional Intelligence by Richard Boyatzis, Coursera MOOC, 2013

 Servant Leadership, American Libraries Association Annual Conference by Linda Bruno, Chicago, Il, 2013

 Monopoly Playing the Innovation Game, Center for Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment, College Park, MD, 2008.

 Contract Management Course by Carol Ginsburg and Willem Noorlander at Special Libraries Association (SLA) Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, 2008

 Copyright at the Crossroads, Center for Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment, College Park, MD, 2006.

 Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM), KM Institute, Vienna, Virginia, 2006.

 Digital Licensing Online (“DLO”) Advanced Course, Copyright Laws by Lesley Ellen Harris through SLA, online, 2005.

 Digital Content Management: Compliance in the Digital Age (“DCM”), Copyright Laws by Lesley Ellen Harris through SLA, online, 2005.


II. Documentation of Publication, Research, and Other Scholarly Activities

A. Publications

1. Books

Jennifer C. Boettcher and Leonard M. Gains. Industry Research Using the Economic

Census. Greenwood Press: Phoenix, AZ. 2004.



Steven W. Staninger, Susan Riehm Goshorn, and Jennifer C. Boettcher. Key Business Sources of the U.S. Government. BRASS/RUSA: Chicago, IL. 1998.

12 out of the 20 chapters of the 81-page book by Jennifer Boettcher. 


2. Refereed Publications

Reece Steinberg and Jennifer Boettcher. “Special Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Management Journals,” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality. Under review.    


Melissa Jones, Sandra Hussey, Jennifer Boettcher, and Anna Simon. “Crafting Competencies, Creating Culture: Using Core Competencies to Navigate Departmental Mergers,” portal: Libraries and the Academy  19, no. 1 (January 2019): 35–54.


David Gibbs, Jennifer Boettcher, Jill Hollingsworth, and Heather Slania.  “Assessing the Research Needs of Graduate Students at Georgetown University,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 38, no. 5 (September 2012): 268-276.


Joan Cheverie, Jennifer Boettcher, and John Buschman. “Digital Scholarship in the University Tenure and Promotion Process: A Report on the Sixth Scholarly Communication Symposium at Georgetown University Library,” Journal of Scholarly

Publishing 40, no. 3 (April 2009): 219-230.


Jennifer Boettcher. "Challenges and Opportunities Presented by NAICS," Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship 5, no. 2 (1999): 3-14.


Jennifer Boettcher. "The Many Faces of the Economic Bulletin Board," Reference Services Review 24, no. 3 (Fall 1996): 53-60.


Jennifer Boettcher and Bruce Kingma. "Telephone Directories: Alternatives to Print," Reference Services Review 22, no. 2 (Summer 1994): 53-61.


3. Invited Journal Articles

Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Changes to NAICS Revises Industry Research,” Online Searcher 46, no. 4 (July/August 2022): 16-21.


Jennifer C. Boettcher and K. Matthew Dames. “Government Data as Intellectual Property: Is Public Domain the Same as Open Access?" Online Searcher 42, no. 4, (July/August 2018): 42-48.


Jennifer C. Boettcher. "Framing the Scholarly Communication Cycle," Online 30, no. 3 (2006): 24-26.


Jennifer C. Boettcher. "Company Research Using U.S. Federal Government Sources,” Online 29, no. 2 (March/April 2005): 19-24.


Jennifer Boettcher and Robert Stanker. "Interview with Robert Stanker of Canon USA about the Future of Microforms," Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship 4, no. 3 (1999): 31-39.


Jennifer Boettcher. "NAFTA Prompts A New Code System for Industry: The Death of SIC and Birth of NAICS," DATABASE (April/May 1996): 42-45.


4. Book Chapters and Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Follow the Money - From Surpluses to School Buses: Understanding Public Finance,” RUSA BRASS Program, New Orleans, LA: ALA Annual Conference, June 26, 2006.

I was the lead on the vocabulary and contributed to the bibliographies.


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “ Tools for Success,” Joint BRASS and GODORT Program, San Francisco, CA: ALA Annual Conference, June 18, 2001. 

I was the co-Chair of the program and presented the keynote speech.


Jennifer Boettcher. "Challenges and Opportunities," First International NAICS Users Conference: Conference Proceedings. Logan, Utah: NAICS Association, 1998.


Jennifer Boettcher. "NAICS Pit: Don't Get Bitten When SIC Codes are Retired," Proceedings of the Thirteenth National Online Meeting. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1997, 51-57.


Jennifer Boettcher and Marilyn Hankel. Industrial Ratios, R3= Ratios, Ratings, and Reference: RUSA Occasional Paper, Number 20. Chicago: Reference and Use Services Association, 1996, 57-78.

I was a member of the Program Planning Committee. I also contributed to the appendix titled "Industrial

Ratios (arranged by 2-digit SIC codes)" with Marilyn Hankel, 57-78.


5. Other Articles

Jennifer C. Boettcher and Robert Berkman. "Research Tips for Using the Economic Census," Information Advisor 17, no. 3 (March 2005): 5, 8.


Jennifer Boettcher. "Economic Bulletin Board: One Source Many Choices," Internet Connection: Your Guide to Government Resources. 1, no. 10 (October, 1995): 1,3-4,6,8.


Jennifer Boettcher and Richard Pugh. "The Home Page: Vanity Press or Bibliographic Tool," Bulletin [Business and Finance (B&F) Division, SLA] no. 99 (Spring, 1995): 51-53.


6. Exhibit

Jennifer C. Boettcher (Curator), Ann Ludtke, Ann Galloway, Teresa Mannix, and Chris Kormis. “60 Years of Business: The Story of Georgetown's Business School.” Georgetown University Stephen Richard Kerbs Exhibit Area. May 18, 2017- August 15, 2017.


7. Examples of Web-Based Work Product

Online Learning Objects:

Finding a Source and Creating an Alert (2020)

Ad$pender (2015)

Reference USA (2010)


Online Research Guides

Finance and Investment (2020)

Entrepreneurship (2020)

Marketing (2020)

Industries (2020)


Online Course Guides

Introduction to the Biotechnology Industry (2021)

Strategic Management (2022)

Global Business Experience (2022)

Social Action Project (2022)


B. Presentations

1.  Juried/Invited Online Presentations

Jennifer C. Boettcher, Kathy Hale, and Amy Geisinger. “Librarians as Partners: Our Allies in Distributing and Understanding Government Data.” APDU Data Symposium and CIC Symposium: Methods, Metrics, and Measurement. May 3, 2022. Plenary. (My slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Data for New Business Librarians.” New Business Librarian Group. March 25, 2022. Online Presentation. (Slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Data Sources for Business.” Special Library Association (SLA) Data Community.  February 25, 2022. Online Webinar. (Slides).


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Free Business Sources for New England.” Boston Library Consortium. January 28, 2022. Online Presentation. (Slides) (Worksheet)


Jennilyn Wiley, Celia Ross, and Jennifer Boettcher. “Building the BIZREF Bridge As You Cross It: A Discussion Between New and Seasoned Business Librarians on how to Boost Business Reference Confidence.” Reference & User Services Association (RUSA)’s Business Reference And Services Section (BRASS). December 15, 2021.  Online Presentation. (YouTube) (Slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Public Domain vs. Open Access Data.”  Computers in Libraries, January 13, 2021. Online. (YouTube)


Michele Hayslett and Jennifer Boettcher. “Census Resources + Data: Government & Business Perspectives.” Government Resources Section and Business Librarians in North Carolina of the North Carolina Library Association, June 16, 2020. Webinar. (Slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Data in Libraries: Open Data.” Online Learning with RUSA, October 2016,  October 2017, and April 2020. Webinar. (Slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Business Sources from the Federal Government: Classic and New,” Federal Depository Library Program: FDLP Academy. March 19, 2020. 


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Data in Libraries: Open Data.” American Libraries Association, Reference And User Services Association, March 18, 2020. Webinar. (Slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Industry Research using the Economic Census.” North Carolina Library Association’s September 19, 2019, Webinar. (Slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Federal Data Strategy,” Federal Depository Library Program: FDLP Academy, February 2019.


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Understanding the Census of Government: 2nd Largest Industry in the U.S.”  Federal Depository Library Program: FDLP Academy, January 2017.


Jennifer Boettcher. “Insurance and the Economic Census.” SLA’s Insurance and Employee Benefits Division.  October 8 and 22, 2014. (Slides)


2. Juried/Invited In-Person Presentations

Jennifer C. Boettcher. “ZombieList: Call for Collaboration.” Business History Conference: Collaboration in Business and Business History, March 17, 2020. Charlotte, NC. (Slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. ”Open Government Data: Understanding Open Access vs. Public Domain.” Documents Association of New Jersey Annual Meeting, October 25, 2019, Trenton, NJ. (Slides


Jennifer Boettcher and Courtney Butler. “What Can We Do About Preserving Business Sources,” Beyond the Numbers Conference. November 7-9, 2018, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, MO. Workshop.


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “IP of Government Data,” Beyond the Numbers Conference. November 7-9, 2018, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, MO. (Slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Working From Home in an Academic Library,” Academic Business Library Directors Meeting. May 10, 2018, Seattle, WA. 


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Understanding the Census of Governments: Data for Public Finance,“ Beyond the Numbers. October 6-8, 2016, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, MO. (Slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher, Greg Fleming, and Judith Nixon. “The Future of Older Data: Zombie List, Moody’s, Corporate Annual Reports (ARSs),” Beyond the Numbers Conference. October 6-8, 2016, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, MO.


Jennifer Boettcher, “Industry Research: Tools, Frameworks, and Understanding,“ SLA’s B&F Workshop. June 14, 2008, Seattle, WA; June 14, 2009, Washington, DC; June 13, 2010, New Orleans, LA.


Jennifer Boettcher. "Industry Research Using Government Sources," SLA’s B&F Workshop. June 9, 2006, Baltimore, MD; June 2, 2007, Denver, CO; June 15, 2008, Seattle, WA.


Jennifer Boettcher. "Economic Census," ALA/GODORT Midwinter. January 15, 2005, Boston, MA.


Jennifer Boettcher. "Business Librarianship 101: Outreach," ALA/RUSA/BRASS Preconference. January 25, 2003. Philadelphia, PA.


Jennifer Boettcher. "Search Strategies in Business," DC-SLA/DCLA 2002 Joint Spring Workshop Fast--Cheap--Accurate: Get All You Can Out of Web Searching. April 16, 2002. Washington, DC.


Jennifer Boettcher. "Business Plan for Tools for Success," ALA/RUSA/Joint BRASS-GODORT Program. June 18, 2001. San Francisco, Calif.

with bibliography (web) Marketing Advantage: Tools for Success


Jennifer Boettcher, read by Crystal Allen. "Challenges and Opportunities," First International NAICS Users Conference: Conference Proceedings. September 30-October 2, 1998. Logan, Utah


Jennifer Boettcher. "Changing Initials, New SIC Becomes NAICS: What is it all About?" Texas-SLA, February 13, 1998, San Antonio, TX.


Carol Ambler, Jennifer Boettcher, and Margot Diltz. "SIC Transit, Hello NAICS! Creating New Pathways to Industrial Classification," 5th Annual CARL Conference. September 19, 1997, Oakland, CA.


Jennifer Boettcher. "NAICS pit: Don't get bitten when SIC codes are retired," National Online Meeting. May 1997, New York City, NY.


3. Other Presentations

Jennifer C. Boettcher.  “Basic Business Research.” Lauinger Library, Georgetown University. November 17, 2022, January 25, 2023, March 16, 2023.  Online Workshop (Worksheet)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “How and Where to Publish Your Non-Scholarly Non-Fiction Articles.” Lauinger Library, Georgetown University. February 26, 2022, October 19, 2022, February 5, 2023. Online Workshop. (Worksheet)


Jennifer C. Boettcher.  “CABAL Industry Resources.” Capital Area Business Academic Librarian (CABAL) Coffee Talk. March 24, 2021. Online Talk. (slides)


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Publishing Non-Fiction in Newspapers and Magazines.” Lauinger Library, Georgetown University. February 28, 2021. Online Workshop.


 4. Poster Sessions

Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Call To Action: Historical Business Collections.” Academic Business Librarian Directors Annual Meeting.  Harvard University, Cambridge, MD.  April 18, 2019. (Poster)


Cynthia Sheffield, Jill Konieczko, Nancy Faget,  Kimberly Yang,  and Jennifer Boettcher. “An Approach to Pedagogy for Information Professionals, or Teaching Old Librarians New Tricks,” Special Libraries Association (SLA) All Sciences and Engineering Poster Session. June 11, 2018, Baltimore, MD. 


Jennifer C. Boettcher. “Information Curated by Information Professionals,” Catholic University of America, Bridging the Spectrum: A Symposium on Scholarship and Practice in Library and Information Science. February 12, 2016, Washington, DC. 


Jennifer Boettcher and Susan Norrisey, “Who is Teaching the Future Business Librarians: A Survey of Library/IS School Programs,” SLA B&F Poster Session. June 13, 2011, Philadelphia, PA. 


Jennifer Boettcher and Candace Benefiel. "Assisting Support Staff in Lateral Moves to

Public Services," American Library Association Annual Conference Poster Session. July 1996, New York City, NY.


III Documentation of Professional Activities

A. Awards and Honors

1. National

Received the RUSA Isadore Gilbert Mudge Award - 2023

Received the Special Libraries Association Business & Finance Distinguished Member Award - 2022

Elected ALA Councilor-at-Large – 2017-2022

Elected RUSA Councilor –Term 2012- 2015

Received the RUSA BRASS Emerald Research Grant for Business Reference Research- 2013 Zombie List

Received the Gale Cengage Learning Award for Excellence in Business Librarianship – 2010 Lifetime achievement award

Elected Chair-Elect for ALA/RUSA/BRASS - Term 2004-2006

Elected Member-at-Large for ALA/RUSA/BRASS - Term 2001-2003


2. Local


Elected Direct-at-Large for Special Libraries Association, DMV Community, 2022-present

Elected Director-at-Large for Special Libraries Association, Maryland Community, 2020-2022

Vicennial Medal, 2018 For 20 years of Service 

Lauinger Library Team Spirit Award, 2016-  Honors a team, a committee, or task force (any formal group) by recognizing the completion and successful implementation of a specific task or project that had a positive impact on the unit, department, division, or library in the way of cost savings, streamlined processes, and/or enhanced services.

Lauinger Library Award, 2011- For work of an individual to recognize significant contribution to the department, division, or library that resulted in cost savings, streamlined processes, or enhanced services.

Lauinger Library University Librarian’s Award, 2005- For outstanding leadership in the profession and in the University Library

Elected Georgetown University Faculty Senate, 2005-2008, 2008-2011, 2011-2014, 2014-2017, 2017-Present


B. Grants

Received the Lauinger Library Innovation Microgrant - 2022 for Milk & Cookies Speaker Series: Social Impact

Received the RUSA BRASS Emerald Research Grant for Business Reference Research- 2013 Zombie List


C. Committee Assignments

1. National and Regional

American Library Association, Council

Forward Together Resolutions Workgroup, 2021- 2021

Councilor-at-Large, 2017-2022

Policy Monitoring Committee, 2017-2019, 2021-present

RUSA Councilor, 2012-2015


American Library Association, Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)

Board, 2012-2018

Executive, 2012-2015

Strategic Planning Task Force, 2014-2016

Organization, 2007-2011

Nominating, 2006-2009

Task Force on Membership Recruitment and Retention, 2005-2008.

RUSA Board, 2005-2006

Planning and Finance, 2004-2005

Professional Development Committee (member, 2000-2005) (Chair, 2003-2004)


American Library Association, Business Reference and Adult Services Section (BRASS)

2023 Program Planning, Chair, 2022- present

Discussion Group Leader, 1998-2000, Member 2019-2021

Emerald Research Grant, Chair, 2009-2010, Member 2017-2019

Membership, 2010-2012, 2014-2016

Nominating, Chair, 2008-2009, member 1997-2000

Development, Chair, 2006-2007

Executive, 2004-2009

Marketing (ad hoc), 2005-2006

2006 Program Planning, 2004-2006

Section Evaluation (ad hoc), 2002-2004

BRASS Representative to SLA 2002-2004

2001 Joint BRASS/GODORT Program Planning, Chair 1999-2001

Education, 1997-2000

Disclosure Student Awards, Chair 1997-1999

1997 San Francisco Program Planning - Publicity, 1995-1997

Publication Sub-Committee, 1995-1997

1995 Chicago Program Planning, 1993-1995


Special Libraries Association

DMV Community, Director-at-Large, 2022-

Maryland Community, Director-at-Large, 2020-2022

Business & Finance Community, Communication member, 2021-2022


International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST)

Anti-Racism Resources, Finding Data Subgroup, 2022-present 


Academic Business Libraries Director

Ticker, Social Media Editor, 2020-present


Capital Area Business Academic Librarians: CABAL (Washington, DC)

Executive, 2013-present

Education, 2022-present

Collection Development, 2016-2022


Business Information Finders: BIF (Washington, D.C.)

Listserv owner 1999-present

Event coordinator 1999-2006, 2010- 2015

Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship

Editorial Review Board 1996-2010

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