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Going Deeper

HoyaSearch for articles, books, and media Click on HoyaSearch image for new marketing books and articles

Brand Equity/Brand Audit

General: Mintel or Statistics

Market Share (might have to be limited by geography): Passport

For Industry comparisons: IBISWorld

Social Media and Psychographics: MRI-Simmons


Articles (remember to limit the year, but keep the relevance)

ABI/Inform: Search "brand name" n/15 ("market* strateg*" OR  "brand positioning" OR "market position" OR "market positioning" OR "market positions" OR "brand Audit")


 noft("brand name") AND  ((consumer* OR customer*) NEAR/7 (perce* OR opinion* OR belie* OR attitude*))


Some of these databases have a learning curve, if you have questions about how to use them or anything else please find a good day and time to Zoom with Jennifer Boettcher


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