Access restricted to current Georgetown faculty, students, and staff. Uniworld Online provides contact information for headquarters, branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates of multinational firms. Subscription includes American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries and Foreign Firms Operating in the United States. Provided by Georgetown Law Library.
LexisNexis Company Dossier covers more than 35 million global companies, both public and private. Under Reference link, information comes from Hoover's, Disclosure, Datamonitor, Extel, Vickers, and SGA Executive Tracker. Dossier links are within "Dossier" content box on "Companies" page.
Includes company description and history; key financials; executive, structure, subsidiaries, auditor, and bank information news by region, topic and publication; patents, trademarks, and brands; and litigation.
Full text information on over 10,000 U.S. public companies and over 15,000 non-U.S. companies. Includes company history, officers, subsidiaries, financial data, and annual reports. Access to SEC filings (EDGAR) back to 1993. Also includes Company Archives, with information on over 4,000 public companies that were acquired, went bankrupt or merged out of existence from 1995 onward. Includes US and International Industry Reports.
Forthcoming: Mergent Intellect
Covers over 80 million private and public companies worldwide. Corporate family tree and coverage of millions of executives.
"Manta helps small businesses profit, connect and grow through the largest online community dedicated entirely to small business. Millions of people come to Manta each day to buy from, partner with and connect to companies. By joining Manta, small businesses easily harness the power of the Internet. "
"The main functions of Companies House are to incorporate and dissolve limited companies; examine and store company information delivered under the Companies Act and related legislation; and make this information available to the public."
A company annual report is a published yearly report which a public company with shareholders has a legal obligation to produce. The annual report is a document which is created to supply information, detail key events which have taken place over the last year and give a company overview to current shareholders and potential company investors.