Mining, NAICS Sector 21Geographic Area Series for the state or offshore areas.
Industry Series at national level only: detailed statistics, products or services statistics, and select materials & fuels consumed.
Subject data for states location of manufacturing/mining plants, employee size, industrial-production analysis.
National summary data by type of operation, inventories with LIFO Valuation, and by LFO.
Detailed Statistics include:
Number of companies
Number of establishments
Establishments with 0 to 19 employees
Establishments with 20 to 99 employees
Establishments with 100 employees or more
Number of paid employees for pay period including March 12
Annual payroll ($1,000)
Total fringe benefits ($1,000)
Employer's cost for health insurance ($1,000)
Employer's cost for defined benefit pension plans ($1,000)
Employer's cost for defined contribution plans ($1,000)
Employer's cost for other fringe benefits ($1,000)
Production workers - 1st qtr
Production workers hours (1,000)
Production workers wages ($1,000)
Total cost of supplies ($1,000)
Supplies used, mineral received, etc. ($1,000)
Resales ($1,000)
Purchased fuels consumed ($1,000)
Purchased electricity ($1,000)
Contract work ($1,000)
Quantity of electricity purchased (1,000 kWh)
Quantity of generated electricity (1,000 kWh)
Quantity of electricity sold or transferred (1,000 kWh)
Total other expenses ($1,000)
Purchased professional and technical services ($1,000)
Communication services ($1,000)
Expensed computer hardware and other equipment ($1,000)
Refuse removal (including hazardous waste) services ($1,000)
Repair and maintenance services of buildings and/or machinery ($1,000)
Expensed purchases of software ($1,000)
Taxes and license fees ($1,000)
Temporary staff and leased employee expenses ($1,000)
Advertising and promotional services ($1,000)
Data processing and other purchased computer services ($1,000)
All other expenses ($1,000)
Total value of shipments and receipts for services ($1,000)
Primary products value of shipments ($1,000)
Secondary products value of shipments and receipts for services
Value of resales ($1,000)
Value of primary products shipments made in all industries ($1,000)
Value of primary products shipments made in other industries ($1,000)
Value added ($1,000)
Total BOY inventories ($1,000)
Finished goods inventories, BOY ($1,000)
Supplies inventories, BOY ($1,000)
Total EOY inventories ($1,000)
Finished goods inventories, EOY ($1,000)
Supplies, parts, fuels, etc. inventories, EOY ($1,000)
BOY gross book value of depreciable assets ($1,000)
Capital expenditures (except land and mineral rights) ($1,000)
Capital expenditures: buildings, machinery, equipment, etc. ($1,000)
Capital expenditures: mineral exploration and development ($1,000)
Capital expenditures: mineral land and rights ($1,000)
Total retirements ($1,000)
EOY gross value of depreciable assets ($1000)
Total depreciation ($1,000)
Total rentals ($1,000)
Buildings rentals ($1,000)
Machinery rentals ($1,000)
Lease rentals ($1,000)
Expensed mineral exploration, development, land, and rights ($1,000)