Formerly World Debt Tables, this resource presents statistics on public and publicly guaranteed debt of 138 countries and regional and income groups. Contains many types of data from the World Bank Debtor Reporting System, including total external debt stocks and flows, key debt ratios, major economic aggregates, average terms of new commitments (private and public), currency composition of long-term debt, debt restructing, workers’ remittances, and net inward foreign direct investment (FDI).
International Debt Statistics (IDS), successor to Global Development Finance and World Debt Tables, is designed to respond to user demand for timely, comprehensive data on trends in external debt in low- and middle-income countries. The World Bank’s Debtor Reporting System (DRS), from which the aggregate and country tables presented in this report are drawn, was established in 1951. World Debt Tables, the first publication that included DRS external debt data, appeared in 1973 and gained increased attention during the debt crisis of the 1980s. Since then, the publication and data have undergone numerous revisions and iterations to address the challenges and demands posed by the global economic conditions.
Contains quarterly, monthly and annual time series measuring economic and social conditions in OECD member countries, the most highly industrialised in the world. Topics include general economic indicators, development and aid, agriculture, national accounts, labor market and social issues, foreign trade, and industry, science and technology.
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