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Annotated bibliography of books, journal articles, working papers, and other material on population topics, 1986-2000. Earlier years (1937-1999) are available through JSTOR at Population Index. No longer being published.
Indexes the major scholarly journals in the social sciences, including public policy, since 1983. For prior years, use Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective.
A primary resource for accessing the latest research in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences.
Based on an international selection of journals and other serials, conference papers, books, and dissertations. Includes book, film and software reviews. Major areas of coverage include anthropology, collective behavior, community development, disaster studies, education, environmental studies, gender studies, gerontology, law and penology, marriage and family studies, medicine and health, racial interactions, social psychology, social work, sociological theory, stratification, substance abuse, urban studies and violence.
Conference proceedings and working papers from participating institutes around the world. Includes the full text of books and book summaries, journal abstracts, links to websites and a calendar of conferences and seminars.
Primary index to research in American and Canadian history, including social and cultural history. Includes abstracts (summaries) of journal articles. Limit by language, time period, and document type (articles, collections of articles, books, and dissertations).
Primary index to materials for research in non-U.S./non-Canadian history, including social and cultural history. Includes abstracts (summaries) of journal articles. Covers world history from 1450 to the present.
Note: There is a limit of 10 concurrent users.
Publishes 12,000-word reports covering the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, insight into all sides of the issues, bibliographies and more on a weekly basis.
The Population Reference Bureau informs people around the world about population, health, and the environment, and empowers them to use that information to advance the well-being of current and future generations.