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Requesting an Absentee Ballot 2024

This guide, created by Gwendolyn Reece at American University, provides instructions on how to request an absentee ballot for the U.S. general election being held November 5, 2024.

Request a Ballot - Ohio

As of June 27, 2024



Requesting a Ballot


  • Ballot must be POSTMARKED the day BEFORE the election and RECEIVED no more than 10 days AFTER the election or return your ballot by hand to your county board of elections:
  • You must include on your ballot identification envelope either: your Ohio driver's license number, the last 4 digits of your social security, or a copy of your photo ID or alternative documentation
  • Your signature needs to match the signature on file with the state (e.g. if you use a middle initial or not)

  • Please pay special attention to the amount of postage required if you are mailing your ballot - it may be a non-standard envelope
  • Track your ballot:
  • NOTE if you request an absentee ballot and decide to go to the polls instead, you must cast a provisional ballot

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