This guide, created by Gwendolyn Reece at American University, provides instructions on how to request an absentee ballot for the U.S. general election being held November 5, 2024.
Students who are living outside of their jurisdiction should be able to request a ballot by mail. But you must contact your County Clerk and request the application be sent to you. Find your county Clerk here:
Once you receive the application from your county clerk and fill it out, you must also have the application signed by a notary public. Schedule an appointment with a notary at Georgetown. You must sign in front of the notary. DO NOT SIGN BEFORE.
Note: The ballot also must be marked in front of and then have the application signed by a notary public. Schedule an appointment with a notary at Georgetown. You must sign in front of the notary. DO NOT FILL OUT THE BALLOT OR SIGN BEFORE.
Ballots must be POSTMARKED by Election day and RECEIVED no later than 5 days after the election.