User-defined search of press, periodicals, and media. Tracking the emergence of a concept or term; also useful for very small regional presses and information sources.
User-defined date yields frequent mentions of individuals in the press. Useful for seeing when individuals enter into the public discourse, also mentions of particular people on particular dates. (Only works for people, not companies, organizations, or concepts.)
Can choose from predefined source sets with some user input. Businesses, politicians, and companies. Values can be relative or absolute.
Established on April 22, 1929 with the support of the "father of Soviet literature," writer Maxim Gorky, Literaturnaia gazeta is a landmark publication in Russia's cultural heritage. With its focus on literary and intellectual life, Literaturnaia gazeta allowed Soviet Russia’s preeminent authors, poets, and cultural figures a particular podium for commentary, affording perhaps fewer restrictions than might be possible in other publications. Content runs from 1929-2014.
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