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Books on Display
A foodie's guide to Chinese cuisine
TX724.5.C5 S95813 2010
Sun, Qinqin.
My abuelo's Mexican feast
TX716.M4 G47 2015
Germain, Daniella
Try this : traveling the globe without leaving the table
GT2850 .F78 2011
Freeman, Danyelle
TX745 .W28 2017
Walker, Nicole
Rice talks : food and community in a Vietnamese town
GT2853.V5 A85 2012
Avieli, Nir
Chinese food and foodways in Southeast Asia and beyond
GT2853.S64 C45 2011
Edible ideologies : representing food and meaning
TX353 .E35 2008
Transnational tortillas : race, gender, and shop-floor politics in Mexico and the United States
HD9330.T753 M612 2008
Bank Muñoz, Carolina.
Hakka soul : memories, migrations, and meals
E184.C5 C4743 2008
Chin, Woon Ping
- The hot empire of Chile : Kent Ian Paterson.
HD9235.P46 P38 2000
Paterson, Kent Ian
Delicious geography : from place to plate
GT2850 .F85 2016
Fuller, Gary
Food and foodways in African narratives : community, culture, and heritage
PL8010 .H496 2017
Highfield, Jonathan Bishop
The world is your burger : a cultural history
TX749.5.B43 M53 2017
Michaels, David (Writer on hamburgers)
Food and drink in Ireland
GT2853.I73 F66 2016
Food, power, and agency
GT2850 .F66 2017
The Palestinian table
TX725.P237 K37 2017
Kassis, Reem
- Swedish food; 200 selected Swedish dishes, the smörgåsbord, traditional party and everyday menus.
TX725 .W57 1953
Widenfelt, Sam Erik
Jerusalem : a cookbook
TX725.M628 O88 2012
Ottolenghi, Yotam.
Mastering the art of French eating : lessons in food and love from a year in Paris
TX637 .M34 2013
Mah, Ann.
Geographies of race and food : fields, bodies, markets
GT2850 .G46 2013
Round the world in eighty dishes : the world through the kitchen window ; for armchair travellers and enthusiastic eaters
TX725 .B554 2012
Blanch, Lesley.
D.O.M. : rediscovering Brazilian ingredients
TX716.B6 A825 2013
Atala, Alex
Feeding frenzy : the new politics of food
HD9000.5 .M35 2013
McMahon, Paul (Paul Andrew)
A date with a dish : classic African-American recipes
TX715 .D326 2014
De Knight, Freda
Congotay! Congotay! : a global history of Caribbean food
TX360.C35 G68 2014
Goucher, Candice Lee.
Pimentos & piri piri : Portuguese comfort cooking
TX723.5.P7 A94 2013
Azevedo, Carla
Ricelands : the world of South-East Asian food
GT2853.S644 F74 2008
Freeman, Michael
Iraqi family cookbook : from Mosul to America
TX725.I72 K37 2006
Karim, Kay
Globalization and food sovereignty : global and local change in the new politics of food
HD9000.5 .G638 2014
Global activism in food politics : power shift
HD9000.5 .M36 2014
Mann, Alana
Food for change : the politics and values of social movements
HD9000.5 .P738 2014
Pratt, Jeff C.
Balinese food : the traditional cuisine & food culture of Bali
TX724.5.I5 K78 2014
Kruger, Vivienne L.
Ethical eating in the postsocialist and socialist world
TX357 .E84 2014
The Insect cookbook : food for a sustainable planet
TX746 .H8513 2014
Huis, Arnold van.
Ginger in Australian food and medicine
TX819.G53 R94 2014
Ryder, Leonie A.
The Gaza kitchen : a Palestinian culinary journey
TX725.P237 E44 2012
El-Haddad, Laila M.
Barbecue : a history
TX840.B3 M53 2014
Miller, Tim 1970- author. (Timothy Jon)
Chop suey, USA : the story of Chinese food in America
TX724.5.C5 C54417 2014
Chen, Yong
Edible identities : food as cultural heritage
GT2850 .B78 2014
Food and urbanism : the convivial city and a sustainable future
HT241 .P357 2015
Parham, Susan
Food in zones of conflict : cross-disciplinary perspectives
GT2850 .F674 2014
Garlic, an edible biography : the history, politics, and mythology behind the world's most pungent food : with over 100 recipes / Robin Cherry.
TX819.G3 C45 2014
Cherry, Robin.
Secrets from the Greek kitchen : cooking, skill, and everyday life on an Aegean Island
TX723.5.G8 S88 2014
Sutton, David E.
Foodies : democracy and distinction in the gourmet foodscape
GT2850 .J64 2014
Johnston, Josée
The cooking of Indonesia and the Philippines : sensational dishes from an exotic cuisine, with 150 authentic recipes shown step by step in 750 beautiful photographs
TX724.5.I5 B37 2014
Başan, Ghillie
The art of Uzbek cooking
TX723.4 .V57 1999
Visson, Lynn
Curry : a global history
TX819.C9 S46 2009
Sen, Colleen Taylor.
The Turkish cookbook : regional recipes and stories
TX725.T8 I433 2010
İlkin, Nur.
Secret ingredients : race, gender, and class at the dinner table
GT2855 .I66 2006
Inness, Sherrie A.
From Betty Crocker to feminist food studies : critical perspectives on women and food
HQ1111 .F76 2005
Alice's kitchen : my grandmother Dalal & mother Alice's traditional Lebanese cooking
TX725.L4 S27 2005
Sawaya, Linda Dalal
CCCP cook book : true stories of Soviet cuisine
TX723.3 .S98 2015
Syutkin, Olga
Dumplings : a global history
TX836 .G35 2015
Gallani, Barbara
Food wars : the global battle for mouths, minds and markets
TX359 .L36 2015
Lang, Tim
The globalization of Asian cuisines : transnational networks and culinary contact zones
GT2853.A78 G56 2015
Rice, noodle, fish : deep travels through Japan's food culture
GT2853.J3 G68 2015
Goulding, Matt
Asian American food culture
GT2853.U5 M395 2015
McLean, Alice L.
A taste of power : food and American identities
GT2853.U5 V47 2015
Vester, Katharina
Devouring cultures : perspectives on food, power, and identity from the Zombie Apocalypse to Downton Abbey
GT2850 .D483 2016
Food culture in the Caribbean
TX716.A1 H67 2005
Houston, Lynn Marie.
Food culture in Belgium
TX723.5.B4 S36 2009
Scholliers, Peter
Food culture in Central America
TX716.C45 M34 2009
McDonald, Michael R. 1961- (Michael Robert)
Food culture in China
TX724.5.C5 N45 2004
Newman, Jacqueline M.
Food culture in Russia and Central Asia
TX723.3 .M2356 2005
Mack, Glenn Randall
Food culture in sub-Saharan Africa
TX725.A4 O78 2005
Osseo-Asare, Fran.
Menus and memories from Punjab : meals to nourish body and soul
TX724.5.I4 S46 2009
Sidhu, Veronica
Sandwich : a global history
TX818 .W55 2010
Wilson, Bee
Day of honey : a memoir of food, love, and war
PN4874.C5185 A3 2011
Ciezadlo, Annia
Pizza and pizza chefs in Japan : a case of culinary globalization
HD9330.P663 C43 2011
Ceccarini, Rossella.
More Books on Display
Embodied food politics
GT2850 .C36 2011
Carolan, Michael S.
Cuisine and culture : a history of food and people
TX353 .C565 2011
Civitello, Linda.
The axis of evil cookbook
TX725.A1 P35 2007
Partington, Gill.
The book of Jewish food : an odyssey from Samarkand to New York
TX724 .R53 1996
Roden, Claudia
Divine food : Israeli and Palestinian food culture and recipes
TX724 D58 2016
Table talk : building democracy one meal at a time
GT2853.U5 F53 2016
Flammang, Janet A.
Cooking cultures : convergent histories of food and feeling
GT2850 .C667 2016
Consuming identity : the role of food in redefining the South
GT2860 .S76 2016
Stokes, Ashli Quesinberry
The encyclopedia of spices and herbs : an essential guide to the flavors of the world
TX406 .L345 2016
Lakshmi, Padma
Food fights and culture wars : a secret history of taste
GT2850 .N43 2016
Nealon, Tom
Rice and baguette : a history of food in Vietnam
GT2853.V5 L54 2016
Vu, Hong Lien
Food citizenship : food system advocates in an era of distrust
HD9000.5 .G644 2018
Goldberg, Ray Allan
Snacks : a Canadian food history
HD9219.C22 T45 2017
Thiessen, Janis
TX725.M35 T57 2019
Tish, Ben
Identity and ideology in digital food discourse : social media interactions across cultural contexts
GT2850 .I35 2021
Taste of Persia : a cook's travels through Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and Kurdistan
TX725.I7 D84 2016
Duguid, Naomi
Gastropolitics and the specter of race : stories of capital, culture, and coloniality in Peru
GT2853.P4 G37 2021
García, María Elena
The food of Oaxaca : recipes and stories from Mexico's culinary capital
TX716.M4 R847 2020
Ruiz, Alejandro (Chef)
Traditional cuisine of the Ryukyu Islands : a history of health and healing
TX724.5.J3 T295813 2020
Takagi, Rin
Eating to extinction : the world's rarest foods and why we need to save them
TX357 .S23 2023
Saladino, Dan
The Sioux Chef's indigenous kitchen
E98.F7 S54 2017
Sherman, Sean
Celebrity chefs, food media and the politics of eating
P96.F66 H6556 2022
Hollows, Joanne
Ukraine--food and history
TX723.5.U38 B7413 2020
Braĭchenko, O. I︠U︡.
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