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Recommended Reading

These lists feature curated Lauinger Library materials.

June 2020


Spending the early spring indoors sheltering in place has made us appreciate all the more what we used to take for granted—walks in the woods north of campus, flowers blooming, birdsong, fresh air. We know that immersion in nature is linked with greater health and happiness. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, time outdoors may even have become sanity-saving. 

Please take a Zoom break to check out our first virtual display today. Its online resources celebrate the natural world and its capacity to inspire, renew, and heal. Read, watch, or listen to more fully appreciate nature. Then get thee outside, for nature is calling!

NB:  Some of these titles can be borrowed only through HathiTrust or the Internet Archive’s National Emergency Library. Both require free registration.  Due to the recently filed lawsuit by four publishers, the Internet Archive has announced that the National Emergency Library will end on June 16, two weeks earlier than previously announced.

To close the distance between us, we’d love to hear from you about this month's recommended display. In the meantime, happy reading, watching, listening—and maybe forest bathing too!


Some titles below are available electronically only through HathiTrust and Internet ArchiveRegister for a free account to borrow their e-books.

Other titles were offered temporarily for us by Project MUSE in response to COVID-19. Access may be discontinued at the end of June 2020.

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