Commentaries are usually line-by-line discussions of the biblical text often also with significant introductory articles, while handbooks and companions are more general guides to reading the biblical text.
The biblical dictionaries cited under the previous tab are generally made up of short, introductory discussions of biblical concepts, etc. Biblical encyclopedias are comprised of longer, indepth articles.
Bible commentaries come in single and multiple volumes. This column lists single volume commentaries. Multiple volume commentary sets are to the right.
Many commentaries are in the reference, non-circulating sections on Lauinger's third floor and in Woodstock's reference sections, for inhouse use only. Some other commentaries, including those comprised of multivolume sets, are also on the circulating shelves and can be checked out.
Single Volume Commentaries
Multivolume Commentaries
Each volume of the series is usually dedicated to a single book of the Bible. The links below should lead to all the volumes of the series. Sometimes the volumes of a series are stored together; sometimes each volume is classified and shelved according to the particular scriptural book.
Each link should take you to the full set of commentaries under each title. You can then do a browser search for the specific biblical book. Occasionally the search will include also some stray items that are not part of the series.
See also Specialized Commentaries to the lower left of this page
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