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Global Development

Research resources related to international aid and global human development, featuring key scholarly and policy databases, government and NGO links, data, and more.

Why Cite?

The primary reasons for citing sources when presenting research are:

  • to give credit to the authors whose work you have drawn upon, and  
  • to allow readers to track down your sources, should they wish to do so. 

​There are many style guides for formatting citations and creating bibliographies. The major styles are:

  • MLA Style, from the Modern Language Association;
  • APA Style, from the American Psychological Association, and 
  • Chicago Style, from the University of Chicago Press

Citation Guides and Tools

Citation Management Systems

These tools allow you to gather citations and PDFs in one place and then quickly create a reference list and/or bibliography. It is best to install these tools at the start of your research.

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