Even though you can search for books in HoyaSearch without signing in, the library recommends that you sign in to HoyaSearch. Signing in enables you to see all available resources fully and to have access to requesting options.
Using the Advanced Search option to look for books will give you greater power to focus and refine your search. To find books in Georgetown's collection, limit to GU only and select Books from the Content Type drop-down menu. In the search boxes provided, you can search either for a specific work (by Title and / or Author) or for a work on a particular topic (by Any Field or Subject).
The results your search retrieves will include all formats of books. Under the Availability facet on the left-hand of the results screen, you can limit specifically to print books by clicking the link for Physical Items or to e-books by choosing either the Available Online or the Open Access options.
If you find a book in print that you want to check out, first check the HoyaSearch record to note whether the book is available, in which library the book is located, and the book's call number. Be sure to record this information as you'll need it to go from the screen to the book in hand.
For more information on finding a print book in the stacks and on reading call numbers, see the above linked pages.
If you need assistance finding books in HoyaSearch, please reach out to the library for help.
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