Are you looking for a book or article that is unavailable at Georgetown and the Consortium? Use Interlibrary loan to request the item. Lauinger Library will obtain a book or scanned article for you.
The Latin American Studies e-book collection's over 600 titles include many field-defining, award-winning books vital for courses and scholars in the field.
The collection is built around classic titles in Latin American history and culture and has consistently prioritized local and indigenous voices. More recently, the collection features interdisciplinary books at the forefront of Latinx and Chicanx issues, decoloniality, environmental studies, and postcolonial theory, while also addressing music, art, film, television, and other aspects of popular culture. In addition to US-based scholars, the collection includes voices from throughout Latin America, including translations of significant works from Spanish and Portuguese.
Provides full-text access to thousands of books and periodicals from academic and high-quality Iberian and Latin American publishers. Many titles appear in HoyaSearch as well. Coverage includes essentially all topics, but focuses particularly on Iberian and Latin American history, culture, and literature. Most titles are in Spanish but there is a growing number of Portuguese, Catalan, and Galician titles.