If you are on a database or journal website (like jstor.org), ProxyGU will reload your current page through the Library’s proxy server. This allows you to log in without going back to the Library’s website.
Watch a brief (30-second) video demo of Proxy GU: (does not include logging in with NetID)
To install, drag the button above to your Bookmarks toolbar in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. You must have Javascript enabled for the button to work. (This is normally the case unless you have manually changed your Javascript setting in your browser.)
To use ProxyGU, simply go to a page you would like to view, then click the "Proxy GU" button in your Bookmarks menu. Your browser will be redirected through the Library's proxy server (possibly prompting you to log in with your NetID/password) and then should reload the page you are reading.
To install, create a new bookmark, then edit the new bookmark to include the ProxyGU code. Follow these suggested instructions:
Add a new Bookmark:
Edit the Bookmark to contain the ProxyGU Code:
To install, create a new bookmark, then edit the new bookmark to include the ProxyGU code.
Follow these suggested instructions:
For more detailed information about editing Chrome Bookmarks see Google's Chrome Support page.
On Android platforms (using any browser), we recommend the following steps to use ProxyGU:
We aren't able to provide detailed instructions for all platforms and browsers, but can suggest a basic procedure:
If you need additional help, please contact the Electronic Resources & Serials Unit and we'll be happy to assist as much as we are able.
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