When you use HoyaSearch, the library recommends that you sign in. Signing in enables you to see all available resources fully and to have access to requesting options.

The most effective way to find a film Georgetown owns is to use the Advanced Search option to search for the film’s title and director, while limiting to Video/Film as the Content Type in GU Only.

From the results, select the one that matches both the film title and the director’s name.

The full record for each film contains additional details about the film, including its location and availability.

If you're looking for streaming media/film only, please select the "Online Only" option under search criteria with Video/Film as the Content Type.

You will see the result list with films that are available online.

Upon clicking "Available Online" button, you can access the streaming media or film. Please pay attention to the note under "Full text availability." Some of the materials are not owned by the Library, and access to them is subject to change.

If you need assistance locating a film, please reach out to the library for help.