You may be used to accessing things through your bookmarks, Google, or another tool, but then that site may not be able to tell you are at Georgetown, so you hit paywalls. When you go to a database or resource through a link from the library's webpages - like this Guide - our Proxy software kicks in, so it knows you are from Georgetown.
Most Georgetown databases have this button under each article in the results list, if the PDF is not directly linked. You can click on it and it will go thru Hoya Search to figure out if we have a link, and if so give it to you. If we don't have a the PDF, it gives you a "Request via Interlibrary Loan" button which fills out the form for you. All you do is enter a "Needed By" date and Submit.
When you want an ENTIRE book:
Email Me!
Sharon Clayton ~
Email me and I will trouble shoot and get back to you with the best strategy or sometimes with a link to the PDF.
Contact The Electronic Resources & Serials Unit
This is particularly useful if you have clicked on a link that is supposed to lead to the resource, and it does not.
Request it via ILL
Even if we are supposed to have it, you can request it via ILL directly - some ILL happens automatically - so this may be the fastest route, instead of waiting for a human to get your email and investigate. You should still report the broken link. Putting in the ILL request may just get you the article faster. If you don't have a "Request via Interlibrary Loan" option for the item, you can request anything directly via ILL From the ILL for Main Campus Patrons Link on our website. Just log in with your NetID and then from the top menu choose New Requests - choose the format (Article, Book, Book Chapter, etc.) and then fill out the form. For this method you do need to fill out the form.
DO All 3!
If you really need the item fast - your best bet is to do all 3 of these : )
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