While some of the resources are only available at the Georgetown Law Library, this guide links to a number of websites and general resources that would be helpful in researching criminal justice topics.
MetaLib is a federated search engine that searches multiple U.S. Federal government databases, retrieving reports, articles, and citations while providing direct links to selected resources available online.
FDsys is a project of the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) to provide electronic, digital access to government information. The collection includes the Budget of the U.S. Government; the Compilation of Presidential Documents; Congressional bills, calendars, committee prints, documents, hearings, and reports; the Congressional Record; Economic Indicators; the Federal Register; the List of CFR Sections Affected; and Public and Private Laws. Coverage begins in 1993.
A finding tool for publications from all three branches of the U.S. government. Updated daily, it contains descriptive records for current and historical publications and provides direct links to those online.
Data.gov increases the ability of the public to easily find, download, and use datasets that are generated and held by the Federal Government. Data.gov provides descriptions of the Federal datasets (metadata), information about how to access the datasets, and tools that leverage government datasets. The data catalogs will continue to grow as datasets are added. Federal, Executive Branch data are included in the first version of Data.gov.
ProQuest Congressional is the primary source for electronic government documents such as hearings, committee prints, CRS reports, legislative histories, the Congressional Record, federal regulations, and the U.S. Congressional Serial Set. Many documents are in full text and cover the years 1789 to the present; others are citations that are available in full text in print or microform in the library.
One of the premier sources for legal and political information. Full-text law journals are a major part of the database, but HeinOnline also includes deep historical collections of U.S. federal government documents.
Titles digitized include the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, bills and public laws in the Statutes at Large, the United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, selected legislative histories, Supreme Court documents, Presidential documents, and more. Search the Sources of Compiled Legislative History database by Public Law or Bill number, from the 37th to the 107th Congress. The U.S. Federal Legislative History Title Collection has full text legislative histories on significant legislation in banking, civil rights, labor, digital rights, the USA PATRIOT act, and other selected laws.
This group of databases provides very current news and analysis of politics, policy and government topics. The suite of titles consists of American Health Line, Congress Daily, Greenwire, The Hotline and Technology Daily. National Journal Group Inc.'s online sources provide briefings that are updated on a daily or weekly basis with a focus on news from Washington and Capitol Hill.
Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic) provides access to more than 17,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis. Nexi Uni has three primary collections: 1) full-text access to thousands of news sources in the U.S. and abroad back to the 1970s; 2) aggregated economic data on businesses, corporations, and industries in the U.S. and abroad; 3) full-text legal documents, including U.S. Federal and State court cases, and law reviews from the late 18th century to present.