A vast collection of US and international statistics in Sage Data. Allows you to scan and search the contents of billions of datasets, compare and contrast variables of interest, and create customized views in tables, maps, rankings, and charts. Views also include descriptive summaries of the datasets and data sources.
Datasets cover a wide range of subjects including, business, finance, banking, economics, sociology, political science, demography, agriculture, education, international studies, criminal justice, energy, housing and construction as well as labor and employment. Dataplanet also incorporates all of the content previously available in Sage Stats.
Provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries
The World Development Indicators is a compilation of relevant, high-quality, and internationally comparable statistics about global development and the fight against poverty. The database contains 1,600 time series indicators for 217 economies and more than 40 country groups, with data for many indicators going back more than 50 years.
Vivvix (formerly Advertising Insights and Ad$pender) provides advertising expenditure data for political campaigns, over 100,000 brands, and product categories. The 18 media formats include cable, internet, network TV (network, spot and syndicated), broadcast radio (network and national spot radio), outdoor advertising, major national newspapers and hundreds of business-to-business and consumer magazines.
Data can be retrieved by brand, product class/category, company name, etc. Data are available monthly, quarterly and annually for the past five years. Vivvix Help Guides (PDFs in Box)
Allows users to explore U.S. buying habits based on demographics, psychographics, media preferences and other criteria. An extension of Simmons Survey of Media and Markets National Consumer Study, the marketing data were collected from more than 22,000 households, then projected to reflect the general population.
The Wireline Competition Bureau’s overall objectives include: ensuring choice, opportunity, and fairness in the development of wireline telecommunications services and markets; developing deregulatory initiatives; promoting economically efficient investment in wireline telecommunications infrastructure; promoting the development and widespread availability of wireline telecommunications services; and fostering economic growth. The Bureau is organized into four divisions and an Administrative and Management Office.
Open source media analysis tool that allows users to see which terms are used most frequently in a given publication; compare frequency of terms among publications; identify terms that are used together; explore which countries are receiving the most coverage by a given publication; etc.
Note: Access to datasets requires that you create a free account on the Pew website. "A nonpartisan 'fact tank' that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world."
Includes seven projects: the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, the Project for Excellence in Journalism, the Pew Internet & American Life Project, the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, the Pew Hispanic Center, the Pew Global Attitudes Project, and Social & Demographic Trends. Note that Pew datasets are released on varying schedules, with some embargoed or not released to the public to protect the privacy or confidentiality of respondents.
Contains time series data for the years 1960, 1965, 1970 and annually from 1975-2010 for around 140 different telecommunication and ICT statistics covering the telecommunication network and ICT uptake, mobile services, quality of service, traffic, staff, tariffs, revenue and investment.
Some reports are free.
"Edison has been continuously researching podcasting since 2005, and our data on podcast consumption is relied upon by thousands of podcasters all over the world. In addition to our regular stand-alone reports on podcasting, we have coved the medium in our Infinite Dial series for over a decade, and recently unveiled new measures of podcasting’s Share of Ear®. In addition, we have provided private research and consultation services for many of the leaders in the podcasting space..."
"Explore what the world is searching for by entering a keyword or a topic in the Explore bar. See stories curated by the News Lab at Google that provide additional insights found in the data... See Daily Search Trends. See Year in Search data. Find guidance materials about News Lab and Trends."
"Free Social Media Search Engine. It allows to search for content in social networks in real-time and provides deep analytics data. Users can search without logging in for publicly posted information on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, Flickr, Dailymotion and Vimeo. Free users can also save their searches and set up email alerts"
"A free account will let you perform unlimited search over the last seven days... This tool will show you the total number of mentions, sentiment (positive/negative), engagement, reach, demographics, and other useful insights."