As an author you own the rights to your work, which gives you exclusive control as to how your work is reproduced, distributed, or performed. However, during the publication process you may be asked to give away some or all of your exclusive rights.
Understanding the implications of retaining or giving away your rights can determine who can read your work, whether you can use it in your future work, and whether you can legally distribute it in class or to colleagues. If you transfer your copyright, you no longer have control over how your work is used or distributed.
"Fair Use" is a provision in US copyright law that imposes limits and exceptions to the exclusive rights of authors / creators.
It means that you can use copyright-protected media without asking for permission if the following factors speak in favour of your proposed use:
1. the way you use it;
2. the nature of what you use;
3. how much of the original material you use;
4. whether your use will impact the market for the work.
(...and here is the letter of the law)
In practical terms, the determination whether a use is "fair" is a subjective one. However, there are some
If you still have questions, contact Copyright and Digital Rights Management Department.
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