Scholarly jounals are writien for professional level managers and are less time-senative. Scholarly sources include articles written by experts: often professors; articles often go through a peer review process: independent experts evaluate the article before it's published; articles have footnotes and bibliographies; minimal advertising, graphics, or illustrations unless relevant to the article (for example, IT architecture images).
An example of a scholarly journal is ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW
N/# leader* N/5 wom?n Leader(truncated) NEAR 5 words of women or woman
P/# general p/2 dunwoody General 2 words BEFORE dunwoody, so you would get General Dunwoody or General Ann Dunwoody
N# leader* N5 wom?n Leader(truncated) NEAR 5 words of women or woman
W# general W2 dunwoody General 2 words BEFORE dunwoody, in the order which you entered then
near# – leader* near3 wom?n Leader(truncated) NEAR 3 words of women or woman (in any order)
w/# - President w/3 Biden president within 3 words of Biden (President has to be before Biden)
Boolean always use capitals:
AND - Ukraine AND ports
OR- port OR harbor
Truncation- Not needed with our search engine because it automatically returns all the words with the same root and spelling variants.
NEAR- Ukraine NEAR/5 ports
Note: Unfortunately, Proximity search NEAR cannot be used in the same search as Boolean operators AND, OR, and AND NOT.
w/# leader! w/5 wom?n Leader(truncated) within 5 words of women or woman
P/# general p/2 dunwoody General 2 words BEFORE dunwoody, so you would get General Dunwoody or General Ann Dunwoody
ADJ# leader* ADJ5 (female or women or woman) Leader(truncated) NEAR 5 words of female or women or woman
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