Provides detailed statistics on goods and estimates of services shipped from the U.S. to foreign countries for goods valued at more than $2,500 per commodity shipped by individuals and organizations. Links include FT900, FT920, fee-based USA Tade Online, US Exports of Merchandise, US Export History, US Exports by State, US Exports by Port, and Related Party Trade.
U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (FT900), press release and supplement, provides summary statistics for goods on a census, balance of payment basis, and services data each month. This includes data for the most recent month and year on goods by various commodity classifications, and by country of destination. Annual revisions are released in June of the following year.
U.S. Merchandise Trade: Selected Highlights (FT920) provides data on value, charges, insurance and freight (CIF), and shipping weight for general imports and imports for consumption by district of entry, district of unlading, world area, country of orgin, and by method of transporation. Final data are released monthly.
USA Trade Online, an online subscription service, provides U.S. export statistics of commodities at the 2, 4, 6 and 10-digit Harmonized Schedule (HS) level. Monthly, year-to-date and annual statistics on value and quantity by country, customs district. Port statistics by 6-digit HS and country are also provided for value, shipping weight, and method of transportation. State export statistics are provided for 6-digit HS or 4-digit NAICS and country are provided for value, shipping weight and method of transportation. Statistics by 6-digit NAICS, country and district are provided for balance; domestic, foreign and total exports; and General Imports Customs value, General Imports CIF value, Imports for Consumption Customs value and Imports for Consumption CIF value.
U.S. Exports of Merchandise - Monthy Provides export statistics in ASCII or dBase format. Each file has various data fields for HS commodities at the 2, 4, 6 and 10-digit level. Country and customs district data for value and quantity are provided on a monthly, year-to-date and annual basis. Files are available for months and years since September 1989.
U.S. Export History Provides five years of historical export statistics in ASCII or dBase format. Each file has various data fields for HS commodities at the 2, 4, 6, and 10-digit level. Commodity data for value and quantity are provided on an annual basis and is issued annually.
U.S. Exports by State Provides export statistics by state of Origin of Movement in ASCII file format. Each file has various data fields for HS commodities at the 6-digit HS level or 3 or 4-digit NAICS level. Commodity data for value, shipping weight, and method of transportation are provided on an monthly, quarterly or annual basis.
U.S. Exports by Port Provides export statistics by port of export in ASCII file format. Each file has various data fields for HS commodities at the 6-digit HS level. Commodity data for value, shipping weight, and method of transportation are provided on an monthly, quarterly or annual basis.
Related Party Trade provides aggregated data about transactions between parties with various types of relationships. The report is based on customs value excluding import duties, freight, insurance and other charges incurred in bringing the merchandise to the U.S. The report is released annually.