Alfaro Family Papers (Panamanian diplomat)
Mercedes de Acosta Papers (Cuban-American playwright, poet, and novelist)
Esther Neira de Calvo Papers (Panamanian educator, politician, diplomat, and women's rights advocate)
Joaquim de Siqueira Coutinho Collection of Peruvian Documents (10 handwritten and printed documents relating to the administration and taxation of Colonial Peru by Spain)
Francisco Enriquez y Giron Collection (a leading Spanish official in Manila)
Tomás Herrán Papers (Colombian diplomat and educator)
Agustín de Iturbide Collection (first Emperor of Mexico, includes financial and military documents, printed ephemera, and correspondence)
Octavio Paranagua Papers (Brazilian economist and Director of the International Monetary Fund)
Andres Benavente Urbina typescript on Chilean Political History
John P. Adams Papers (Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador)
Willard Leon Beaulac Papers 1 and Papers 2 (Paraguay, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, and Argentina)
Lester Bernstein Papers (Nicaragua, Panama Canal)
John L. Brown Papers 1, Papers 2, Papers 3, Papers 4, and Papers 5 (Cultural attache to Mexico City, 1964-1968)
Edward Kavanagh Collection (Portugal)
Robert Theodore Curran Papers 1 (Mexico)
Thomas Dodd, Jr. Papers (Uruguay and Costa Rica)
Richard X. Evans Collection 1 (Costa Rica and Nicaragua)
Alexander Hill Everett Papers (Spain)
Anna J. Gurvin Papers (Argentina and Uruguay)
Parker T. Hart Papers (Brazil)
Joseph John Jova Papers (Chile, Honduras, Mexico)
Ernest A. Keller Papers (Keller was employed with the USIA in Washington, where he was in large measure responsible for the production and printing of cartoon books distributed in South and Central America under the auspices of the Alliance for Progress)
Cecil B. Lyon Papers (Chile)
Jack K. McFall Papers (Nicaragua)
John O'Leary Papers 1, Papers 2, and Papers 3 (Chile and Bolivia)
Gwen Petitjean Papers (Peru, Panama, and Brazil)
George S. Roper, Sr. Papers (Papers related to aviation in Colombia, Mexico, and Peru)
William Franklin Sands Papers (Guatemala, Panama, Mexico, and Chile)
Peter J. Sullivan Papers (Colombia)
James Theberge Papers (Nicaragua, Argentina, Cuba, other Caribbean and Central American nations)
Harold H. Tittmann, Jr. Papers (Haiti and Peru)
Cornelius Van H. Engert Papers (Cuba, El Salvador, Chile, and Venezuela)
Hinckley-Werlich Family Papers (Costa Rica)
Earl J. Wilson Papers (Guatemala and Mexico)
Cyrus E. Woods Papers (Portugal)
J. Raymond Ylitalo Papers (Mexico and Paraguay)
America Magazine Archives (Mexico and Spain)
Argentinian Jesuits Collection
Pedro Arrupe, SJ., Audio Recordings
Philip Cardella, SJ papers (letters to and from Central America as well as sermons for his New York community; four folders of material for and about the Latin American community in NYC)
John M. Daley, SJ Papers (Chile)
Gozos Devotional Broadsides Collection (gozos (also known as gosos or goigs) and other religious devotional printed pieces from the Catalan region of Spain, dating from 1776 to 1982)
Jose A. Lopez, SJ Papers (correspondence, official documents, and manuscripts relating to Lopez's careers as parish priest and army chaplain in Mexico; tutor to the children of Emperor Agustín de Iturbide of Mexico)
John B. Molloy Collection of Jesuit Annual Reports from Peru (DigitalGeorgetown)
Miguel Pro Execution Scrapbook (Mexico)
George Schwarz Collection (collection of late seventeenth-century Latin letters relating to the Church and especially to the Society of Jesus – Paraguay, Brazil, and Mexico; also Lisbon, Portugal)
John Gilmary Shea Papers (the research materials in the Shea Papers document the early history of the Catholic Church in America and includes original documents from the colonial period from … northern Mexico)
Edmund A. Walsh, SJ Papers (he was part of a special mission to Mexico to improve relations between the church and the state)
Gustave A. Weigel, SJ Papers 1 (of special interest are the many pieces pertaining to the politics and culture of Latin America, and particularly of Chile, where Weigel lived for 10 years)
Lester Adams Papers (U.S. Army Medical Reserve Corps officer)
Alfaro Family Papers (Panamanian diplomat)
Edward A. Drake Papers (Panama Railroad Company)
Miles P. DuVal, Jr. Papers (U.S. naval officer and Panama Canal historian)
W.A. Fishbaugh - Panama Canal Photograph Album
Archie Wright French Collection (American Panama Canal construction worker who continued to live in the Canal Zone through the 1940s)
Eugene Hackert - Nickel Collection (photographs)
Earl Harding Papers (American journalist)
Phillip Harman Papers (American anti-Panama Canal Treaty activist)
Tomás Herrán Papers (Colombian diplomat and educator)
Leonard Z. Lawrence Papers (American Panama Canal construction worker)
Thomas E. Martin Papers (U.S. Congressman, papers concerning congressional debate on the Panama Canal)
T. B. Miskimon Papers (Panama Canal Zone inspector)
J. Revin's Plan for Completing the Panama Canal
Hartley Rowe Papers (American electrical engineer who worked on the Panama Canal)
William Franklin Sands Papers (U.S. diplomat)
John F. Stevens Papers (Chief Engineer of the Isthmian Canal Commission)
Leonor K. Sullivan - Panama Canal Treaty Collection (U.S. Congresswoman)
William E. Swift, Sr. - Panama Canal Collection (American civil engineer)
George R. Town Photograph Collection
William W. Wright Collection (19th century Panama Canal newsclippings scrapbook)
Cuba - USS Maine Photograph Album
Guy Seely Langstroth Collection (the extensive photograph album covers Langstroth's time in Honduras in 1924 and includes images of life and culture in that nation during that era)
Clarence J. McIntosh Papers (Ecuador)
George R. Town Photograph Collection (Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and Mexico)
Bailey K. Ashford Papers (American medical official known for his work in combating hookworm and other tropical diseases in Puerto Rico)
Jean Baptiste Brunet Papers (letters and documents from the period 1802-1803, during the Haitian Revolution)
Michel Chevalier Papers (French diplomat’s correspondence with a Central American diplomat regarding Nicaragua and the construction of an isthmian canal)
Bartolomeo Chioccarello Manuscripts Collection (a general history of the Spanish administration of the Kingdom of Naples undertaken for Philip IV of Spain by Bartolomeo Chioccarelli, completed in 1631)
Bonte and Gustavo Duran Papers (Gustavo Duran (1906-1969) was a Spanish-American diplomat)
Graham Greene - Pedro M. Lopez Collection
Greenpeace Latin America Records
Grenada Documents Collection (copies of Grenada government documents taken by the U.S. State Department in 1983)
Daniel James Papers (American journalist, topics include Che Guevara, the Mexican Communist Party (Partido Comunista Mexicano), and Latin American and Caribbean political affairs from 1960 to 1985)
David Landers Peruvian Manuscripts Collection (fifteen autographed legal documents, dated 1566 to 1626, in addition to a listing of hospital patients from 1776 and an Incan quipu)
Tonita Ridgway Martin Papers (includes journal entry (10 pages) by Dominick Lynch III dated 1849, describing his voyage to Guayaquil, Ecuador)
Joseph A. Page Papers (Mostly Brazil related but includes maps of South America)
Spanish Boundary Commission Report on Spanish and Portuguese Territory in South America and the Guarani War (view online)
George S. Smith Journal (documents his travels to Chile and Panama)
Harry Sylvester Papers (Sylvester was an American journalist who covered events in Latin America)
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