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New York City: Connections with Georgetown University

This guide identifies people, places and events that connect New York City and Georgetown University

GU Presidents with Connections to New York City

  • Gorman, Lawrence C., S.J.

Born in New York City

Georgetown University President 1942-1949

The Gorman Building on the medical campus is named for him

  • Guthrie, J. Hunter, S.J.

Born in New York City

Georgetown University President 1949-1952

  • Healy, Timothy S., S.J.

Born in New York City

Georgetown University President 1976-1989

President of New York Public Library 1989-1992

Before coming to Georgetown, he served as Vice Chancellor of The City University of New York

  • O’Donovan, Leo J., S.J.  C’1956

Born in New York City

Georgetown University President 1989-2001

Leo’s (the dining hall) is named for him

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