You can browse all of the equipment available at Lauinger Library here. For further training, please schedule a consultation with a multimedia specialist.
Below are two applications you can use to edit your audio files. These applications are good when you are creating multi track audio projects with two or more participant speakers. In a multi track project, you also have the ability to bring in and overlay additional sounds and effects.
GarageBand is a software that comes with the Mac operating system. It is great for editing and mixing audio. You can learn more about GarageBand through the LinkedIn Learning Essentials tutorial.
Audacity is a free software that is compatible with both Mac and Windows operating systems. You can learn more about Audacity through the Learning Audacity tutorial on LinkedIn Learning. Download the free software here.
When conducting an oral history interview, it's important to have the right equipment to ensure clear and accurate recording. There are a few situations outlined below that you may want to consider when doing your recording. While recording over Zoom is the easiest way to record an interview along with it producing a transcript, the library offers equipment to record interviews in person.
Zoom is a good tool for doing live and recorded video conferencing. Zoom allows sessions to be recorded in both video and audio formats and even provides a transcript. However, if one of the speakers on a Zoom call has less than ideal audio quality, how do we fix that? Fortunately, Zoom does have the ability to record each presenter's audio to a separate track. This allows you to take these audio files into editing software like Apple's Garage Band or Audacity and edit each individual's audio.
It is an option that is not set by default. To record multiple audio files in Zoom:
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