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Library E-Books: how to find, use, and read

Adobe Digital Editions: Installing

Many Library e-books require Adobe Digital Editions (ADE), a free extension to Adobe Acrobat Reader.  To install ADE:

Get Adobe Digital Editions

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader

  1. Download Acrobat Reader, if not already installed.
  2. Download Adobe Digital Editions. (ADE is also in the Apple App Store and Google Play.)
  3. Create an Adobe ID and authorize your copy of ADE (optional)

ADE is pre-installed on Library computers.

An Adobe ID is not necessary to read e-books, but if you are using ADE on your personal computer (not a Library or public computer), Adobe recommends authorizing ADE with an Adobe ID. Your Adobe ID is free and completely separate from your NetID or other GU accounts.

Adobe Digital Editions: Using and Help

Adobe Digital Editions screenshot

  • Open and launch ADE before downloading a book. If you already have Adobe Digital Editions open before downloading, we find this makes the "handoff" between the publisher / vendor platform and ADE easier. 
  • Bookmarks, highlights, and annotations in ADE are NOT permanent. Any note-taking you do within ADE expires when the book is "checked in" -- so we recommend taking notes in Word, a Google Doc, or another application.

Help with Adobe Digital Editions

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