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Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation at Lauinger Library

This guide highlights the primary source documents at Lauinger Library that supports the goals of Georgetown University's Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation Initiative.

Rare Books - Introduction

Georgetown University's Rare Books collection originated with the founding of Georgetown College and includes books that influenced the early Jesuit missionaries, the administrators and instructors of the College, and its students. The Library has also collected some of well-known examples of slave narratives, antislavery literature, Civil War pamphlets, and ecclesiastical texts pertaining to race.  A more complete bibliography is available upon request, of these wide-ranging printed materials. 

  • Researchers can also discover materials by title, author, keyword or subject search in HoyaSearch (making sure to limit results by location to "GU Only").

Selected Books

Black Authors



Artists' Books

Civil War Pamphlet Collection

This collection contains both anti-slavery and pro-slavery tracts, speeches and treatises regarding emancipation and Reconstruction, sermons, and battlefield remembrances. 

  • To identify materials from this collection via HoyaSearch, type "Civil War Pamphlet Collection" (in quotation marks) in the search bar, and limit the results to "GU Only."

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