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Arabic Language, Linguistics & Literature

A guide to Arabic language and literature resources.

Digitized Collections


AUC's Kraus Offprints Collection

N.B. Please note that this is only an *index* to the Offprints in the Kraus-Meyerhof collection & does not contain the full-text of the documents; it may, however, be a useful supplement to Index Islamicus for publications during the period covered by the collection.

Kraus-Meyerhof Offprints

The Kraus-Meyerhof Offprints digital collection includes indexes to journal articles, books chapters, and portions of larger works. Generally printed at the same time as the book or journal, offprints are printed for the author's use. The indexes from the Kraus-Meyerhof Offprints offer a comprehensive look at the articles and book chapters in the collection. Topics covered include Arabic literature, Islamic philosophy, Arab medicine, and Muslim scholarship.

The offprints were originally collected by Paul Kraus, an Arabist born in Prauge in 1904. Kraus was educated in Europe and spent several years in Cairo and the Middle East before his death in 1944. The collected offprints feature scholarship authored by German opthamologist, author, medical historian Max Meyerhof. Dr. Max, as he was referred to by patients, was born in 1874 and died in 1945 in Cairo where he helped establish medical care in Egypt.

The indexes to the Kraus-Meyerhof Offprints Collection were compiled sometime during the time ranging from the 1960s to the 1980s. During this time, the collection would have been held by Special Services in the Library or in the Creswell Library, precursors to the Rare Books and Special Collections Library. The indexes of the Kraus-Meyerhof Offprints were digitized and described by the Rare Books and Special Collections Library in October 2012.



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