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Catalan Studies

This guide will help you find resources on topics specifically related to Catalan literature, linguistics, and culture.


E-books are available in our catalog.  If you want more information about our e-book subscriptions, please visit this page: E-Book Research Guide 

Finding Books in Lau

The table below outlines subject areas for books from Latin America and the Caribbean and their locations in Lauinger Library.

Call Number Range Subject Location
BR 600 - BR 720 Religion 1st floor
F 1201-F 3799 History 2nd floor
F 1201-F 1392 Mexico 2nd floor
F 1421-F 1440 Central America 2nd floor
F 1601-F 2191 Caribbean Area 2nd floor
F 2201-F 3799 South America 2nd floor
G 1535-G 1799 Atlases 4th floor
GF 514 - GF 532 Human ecology 4th floor
GN 562 - GN 564 Anthropology 4th floor
GR 114 - GR 133 Folklore 4th floor
GV 586 - GV 601 Sports and Athletics 4th floor
HA 750 - HA 1091 Statistics 4th floor
HC 121 - HC 239 Economic History and Conditions 4th floor
HD 8110 - HD 8368 Labor/Working Class 4th floor
HF 3230 - HF 3488 Commerce 4th floor
HG 660 - HG 915 Money 4th floor
HG 2710.5 - HG 2970 Banking 4th floor
HG 5160 - HG 5412 Investment 4th floor
HJ 799 - HJ 995 Public Finance 4th floor
HJ 2466 - HJ 2545 Taxation and Revenue 4th floor
HN 110.5 - HN 370 Social History and Conditions; Social Problems 4th floor
HV 110.5 - HV 203 Social Services 4th floor
HV 8160 - HV8191 Criminal Justice System 4th floor
HV 9510.5 - HV 9625 Penology; Prison System 4th floor
Call Number Range Subject Location
JL599.5 - JL3899 Political Institutions and Public Administration 4th floor
KG Law 4th floor
LA 420 - LA 609 History of Education 4th floor
LE 7 - LE 78 Individual Educational Institutions 4th floor
ML 207 - ML 235 Music History 4th floor
N 6502 Art in general 4th floor
NA 700 - NA 939 Architecture 4th floor
NB 250 - NB 299 Sculpture 4th floor
ND 253 - ND 420 Painting 4th floor
PC4001 - PC 4977 Spanish Language 4th floor
PC5001 - PC 5498 Portuguese Language 4th floor
PM3001 - PM 4566 Native Languages and Literature 4th floor
PM5001 - PM 7356 Native Languages and Literature 4th floor
PQ7081 - PQ8560 Latin American Literature in Spanish 5th floor
PQ 950 - PQ 9698 Brazilian Literature 5th floor

Check out the Spanish and Portuguese Research Guide and the Lusophone Studies Guide for more locations!

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