The table below outlines subject areas for books from Latin America and the Caribbean and their locations in Lauinger Library.
Call Number Range | Subject | Location |
BR 600 - BR 720 | Religion | 1st floor |
F 1201-F 3799 | History | 2nd floor |
F 1201-F 1392 | Mexico | 2nd floor |
F 1421-F 1440 | Central America | 2nd floor |
F 1601-F 2191 | Caribbean Area | 2nd floor |
F 2201-F 3799 | South America | 2nd floor |
G 1535-G 1799 | Atlases | 4th floor |
GF 514 - GF 532 | Human ecology | 4th floor |
GN 562 - GN 564 | Anthropology | 4th floor |
GR 114 - GR 133 | Folklore | 4th floor |
GV 586 - GV 601 | Sports and Athletics | 4th floor |
HA 750 - HA 1091 | Statistics | 4th floor |
HC 121 - HC 239 | Economic History and Conditions | 4th floor |
HD 8110 - HD 8368 | Labor/Working Class | 4th floor |
HF 3230 - HF 3488 | Commerce | 4th floor |
HG 660 - HG 915 | Money | 4th floor |
HG 2710.5 - HG 2970 | Banking | 4th floor |
HG 5160 - HG 5412 | Investment | 4th floor |
HJ 799 - HJ 995 | Public Finance | 4th floor |
HJ 2466 - HJ 2545 | Taxation and Revenue | 4th floor |
HN 110.5 - HN 370 | Social History and Conditions; Social Problems | 4th floor |
HV 110.5 - HV 203 | Social Services | 4th floor |
HV 8160 - HV8191 | Criminal Justice System | 4th floor |
HV 9510.5 - HV 9625 | Penology; Prison System | 4th floor |
Call Number Range | Subject | Location |
JL599.5 - JL3899 | Political Institutions and Public Administration | 4th floor |
KG | Law | 4th floor |
LA 420 - LA 609 | History of Education | 4th floor |
LE 7 - LE 78 | Individual Educational Institutions | 4th floor |
ML 207 - ML 235 | Music History | 4th floor |
N 6502 | Art in general | 4th floor |
NA 700 - NA 939 | Architecture | 4th floor |
NB 250 - NB 299 | Sculpture | 4th floor |
ND 253 - ND 420 | Painting | 4th floor |
PC4001 - PC 4977 | Spanish Language | 4th floor |
PC5001 - PC 5498 | Portuguese Language | 4th floor |
PM3001 - PM 4566 | Native Languages and Literature | 4th floor |
PM5001 - PM 7356 | Native Languages and Literature | 4th floor |
PQ7081 - PQ8560 | Latin American Literature in Spanish | 5th floor |
PQ 950 - PQ 9698 | Brazilian Literature | 5th floor |
Check out the Spanish and Portuguese Research Guide and the Lusophone Studies Guide for more locations!
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