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Digital Stories Guide

Writing a Script

Vintage typewriter

A two-column script is an easy way to structure and plan for your digital story. It is a simple way to organize what the audience is seeing and hearing at the same time. Even if you don't know exactly what images or sounds you will acquire, writing a script predicting what you want your final digital story to look like is a great way to stay organized. Once you do gather all your images and sounds, you can update your two-column script to reflect what you actually have to work with.

In the left column of your script, you will describe all the VIDEO your viewer will see (photographs, images, graphics, text). In the right column, you will describe all the AUDIO the viewer will hear (interview bits, music, narration, sound effects, etc). Think of each row as one scene in your digital story, with the audio playing over the video.

Scripting and Story Boarding Templates

These google docs can be copied and shared with your group.


Example storyboard with video and audio sections filled in with detailed information of what is happening in each scene

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