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Documentary Video Production


Planning and Research
  4-5 3 1-2
Research Through the use of video, photos, text, and graphics, the documentary demonstrates a thorough knowledge of topic or story. Information presented is correct and conveys a significant amount of research. Through the use of video, photos, text, and graphics, the documentary demonstrates sufficient knowledge of topic or story. Information presented is correct but not very in-depth. Documentary demonstrates very little research and knowledge of topic. The use of photos, videos, text, and graphics often seems unrelated. Information presented is erroneous.


  4-5 3 1-2
Two-Column Script Two-column script conveys the topic in a compelling and effective manner. There is a clear correlation between the audio and the visuals and the structure of the piece complements the topic or story. The script "shows and does not tell." Two-column script conveys the topic, albeit not particularly compellingly or creatively. There is a relationship between the audio and the visuals but there are some moments in the script that might seem extraneous. The structure is appropriate but not very innovative. There is some unnecessary exposition. Two-column script is vague and topic or story is not obvious. There is too much exposition. The structure is inappropriate to the topic and obstructs the viewer's ability to understand and engage with the documentary.
Interviews Direction elicits strong interviews from subjects that support the topic or story. Direction is satisfactory and interviews are usable. They neither contribute nor detract from the topic or story. Direction is disorganized. Interviewees provide poor or muddy answers that offer little to advance the topic or story.


  4-5 3 1-2
Composition Composition enhances the topic or story and demonstrates a variety of shot sizes, angles, deep/shallow composition. If interviewees are present, they are provided enough nose and head room. Composition matches the topic or story being conveyed and demonstrates some variety. If interviewees are present, they are usually provided enough nose and head room. Composition distracts from the topic or story and is not very versatile. If interviewees are present, proper nose and head room is rarely observed.
Camera Motion Camera motion (pan, tilt, track, handheld) is used appropriately and supports and/or enhances the topic or story. The motion is smooth (except for handheld). Camera motion (pan, tilt, track, handheld) is used but it is not always effective in moving the topic or story along. Camera motion is used either too much or not at all. It does not contribute to the topic or story.
Lighting/White Balance Footage is shot in well-lit areas or are lit. Scenes are not over or underexposed. Color balance is consistent throughout the movie. Footage is mostly well-lit. Some detail is lost in highlights or shadows. Color balance is consistent. Footage is hard to see. Color balance is inconsistent from scene to scene.



Audio/Sound Design
  4-5 3 1-2
Environmental Audio Ambient sound and sound effects are all clear and free of extraneous noise. They are matched to appropriate scenes and help convey the topic or story. Ambient sound and sound effects are mostly clear, but at times the audio quality is poor. They do not always seems appropriately matched to the footage and may occasionally detract from the topic or story. Ambient sound and sound effects are poorly captured, distorted, or distracting. They are not appropriately matched to the footage and detract from the topic.
Studio audio Narration/voice-over is clear. It is delivered at an intelligible pace and the performance is engaging and enhances the visuals. Narration/voice-over is well-performed, but poorly recorded, or vice-versa. Or, there are moments in the project where the narration is unclear or the performance is distracting. Narration/voice-over is poorly recorded and distorted. The delivery is too fast or too slow and the performance does not match the mood of the documentary.
Music Music is used sparingly or not at all. When music is used, it supports the topic or story and it does not manipulate or overwhelm. Music is generally used appropriately. There are moments where the music may not feel appropriate to the topic or story or may overwhelm the visuals and other sounds. Music is used too much or inappropriately. The documentary relies on music to manipulate the viewer's emotional response or experience. Music will frequently dominate scenes and drown out other sounds and distract from the visuals.
Sound design The various types of sound (ambient, sfx, voice-over, music) are mixed to create a cohesive soundtrack. The various types of sound (ambient, sfx, voice-over, music) are mixed to create an overall soundtrack, but there are occasional moments where the sound is poorly mixed or poorly chosen. The various types of sound (ambient, sfx, voice-over, music) are not effectively mixed into a soundtrack. The sounds may be out of sync, may differ drastically in volume, or may be thematically inappropriate. The sounds distract the viewer from the topic or story presented.


  4-5 ​​​​​​​3 1-2
Continuity Scenes are edited together to convey the topic or story in an understandable and easy-to-follow manner. The editing provides a clear structure for the video and flows from cut-to-cut. Pacing is appropriate to the topic. Scenes are generally edited together to convey the topic or story in an understandable and easy-to-follow manner, but there are scenes that might feel unnecessary, too long, or too short. The viewer may sometimes feel lost or disengaged. Scenes are sloppily assembled and the project lacks structure. The topic is hard to understand and follow. Pacing is choppy or drags on.
Economy The topic is effectively conveyed, with the right amount of detail, and falls within 5-7 minutes in duration. The topic is conveyed within the time limit but is sometimes incomplete in its detail or argument. The piece still needs obvious editing. The topic is not conveyed within the time limit. The documentary contains redundant or irrelevant content that adds very little. The piece obviously needs extensive further editing.
Effects (Titles, transitions, special effects, etc... ) Effects are used sparingly but effectively and contribute to topic or story. Effects detract or distract somewhat from the topic or story. Text is sometimes difficult to read, transitions are sometimes too flashy, and special effects may not always be appropriate. Effects contribute little to the topic or story or are otherwise distracting, unclear, or needlessly ubiquitous. Title slides contain too much text for the audience to absorb. Too many different transitions are used. Special effects are unnecessary.


  4-5 ​​​​​​​3 1-2
Copyright The video is the complete original work of the filmmaker except for instances where works with a creative commons license or works in the public domain are used. No copyrighted material is used. Appropriate copyright and fair use standards are followed. No more than 10% of a copyrighted song/video/text is used. If more than 10% is used, the filmmaker has written permission from the creator of the work. Works with a creative commons license or works in the public domain may also be present. There are serious fair use and copyright issues present. Much of the video is not the creation of the filmmaker. Copyrighted images and sounds are used frequently.
Credits Credits include the names of all crew members, actors, interviewees, etc. Credit is provided for all images and sounds that the filmmaker did not create, including works with a creative commons license. Credits are mostly complete. Credit is provided for some of the images and sounds that the filmmaker did not create, including works with a creative commons license. Credits are incomplete or absent. There is no credit provided for images and sounds that the filmmaker did not create, including works with a creative commons license.


  4-5 3 1-2
Production Notebook Student collects pre-production planning materials (research, script, works cited) in a google drive folder that is shared with his or her professor. Student collects some pre-production planning materials (research, script, works cited) in a google drive folder that is shared with his or her professor. Student has collected little or no planning materials (research, script, works cited) in a google drive folder.

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