VitalLaw provides in-depth legal analysis on several topics -- human resources, labor/employment, tax, health, antitrust, and more -- with forms, articles, recent decisions, and guides. Provided by the generous support of the Georgetown Law Library.
Topics cover: Starting a Business, Operating a Business, Closing a Business, Employer ID Numbers, Small Business Events, Employment Taxes, and Appeal a Tax Dispute.
This section contains statistical tables and articles on all businesses, which were compiled to form the SOI Integrated Business Dataset (IBD). The IBD was assembled at the table level from the annual SOI cross-sectional studies of corporations ( C and S corporations), partnerships, and nonfarm sole proprietorships. Data from exempt organizations with unrelated business income (Form 990-T) are not included.
This website contains statistical tables, articles, and other information on charities and other tax-exempt organizations. Nonprofit charitable organizations are exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Other tax-exempt organizations covered as well include those exempt under Sections 501(c)(4) through 501(c)(9).
Includes payments made to government agencies for business and property taxes and licensing fees in the sectors of mining, construction, and manufacturing. Income taxes are excluded from this item.
Good Jobs First gathers economic development subsidies from state governments: tax credit/rebate, property tax abatement, grant/low-cost loan, enterprise zone, training reimbursement, cost reimbursement, and infrastructure assistance. User Guide.