Stained glass windows in Dahlgren Chapel
The University Archives has two main photographic collections which include photographs of Dahlgren Chapel see below; request them for use in the Booth Family Center via the Aeon request system. Please note that researchers will be given gloves when they are handling photographic materials.
University Archives Photographic Collection. GTA.000109. 30 linear feet. No inventory is available but this collection contains multiple folders of mainly black-and-white images of both the interior and exterior of Dahlgren Chapel. Researchers should request images by building name and Archives staff will pull folders for them to work with.
University Photographer’s Files, GTA.GAMMS305. 62 linear feet. Images date from 1956-2004. Most are in the form of black and white negatives, some with accompanying contact sheets. Some photographic prints are also present. Included are shots of campus buildings, events, and people (faculty, staff, students, and visitors). A partial inventory is available for images taken between 1988 and 2004. These can be requested using the box and folder numbers which can be found by clicking the folder description links in the Collection organization pane to the right of the inventory screen (you may have to scroll down to see the pane.) The folder descriptions display with a box and folder number in green font to the left side of the screen. For pre-1988 images, researchers should submit requests by building name and Archives staff will pull folders for them.
Photographs available online via DigitalGeorgetown
Images of Dahlgren Chapel included in the Georgetown University yearbooks can be viewed via DigitalGeorgetown. The Date Created facet in blue on the right side of the screen (scroll down to see it) can be used to limit to a particular time period. To search within any item in a list of search results: click on the title in blue, then click on the blue ViewOpen link at the top of the screen, then hold down the control and f keys on the keyboard at the same time, and enter the search term “Dahlgren” in the box which appears in the top right corner.
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