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SCS Library Tutorials: Conducting Research Using Library Resources and Services

Mintel Tutorials

These tutorials outline how to use the market research database, Mintel. Specific topics that are addressed include how to access and refine results, how to locate market and consumer information, and how to find and manipulate data. 

Simmons Catalyst Tutorials

This video series outlines how to use Simmons Catalyst. Specifically, these videos will explain how to 1) access Simmons Insights, build and export crosstabs, and analyze crosstabs; and 2) create quick reports.

Please note that Simmons has recently launched the "Catalyst" interface. To revert to the previous interface that the tutorials focus on, log in and look for the "Launch 1.0" button in the upper-right corner.

U.S. Census Data

This video outlines how to use the U.S. Census Bureau's Data website. Specific topics addressed include choosing filters, finding results that meet your needs, and best practices.

Finding Peer-Reviewed Sources

This tutorial outlines how to use the SCS Library to find peer-reviewed sources. Specific attention is given to search strategies and using peer-reviewed sources for client-centered projects.

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