Over 300 sets of economic, social, and financial statistics from a wide assortment of United Nations agencies and other international organizations. Most data are available in time series from 1970 or 1980 to the present. (Statistics for some items lag by several years.)
N.B.: GU only has access to the "free" version of Comtrade; we are not premium subscribers.
Annual compilation of trade statistics from over 130 countries, detailed by commodity and partner country. The data are processed into a standard format with consistent coding and valuation. All values are converted into U.S. dollars using exchange rates supplied by the countries, or derived from monthly market rates and volume of trade. For many countries, the data coverage starts as far back as 1962 and goes up to the most recent completed year.
"current economic and social statistics for more than 200 countries and territories of the world. It contains 55 tables, comprising over 100 indicators, of monthly, quarterly and annual data on a variety of subjects."
A summary compilation of some frequently viewed statistics. Includes data on population, education, employment, manufacturing, trade, and other categories. Analogous to the Statistical Abstract, only on a global scale.
Country profiles of some key economic indicators. Briefer than the Statistical Yearbook but helpful to view all information about a given country at once.
"This site presents the official data, definitions, methodologies and sources for more than 60 indicators to measure progress towards the Millennium Development Goals."
The World Bank's Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data. These resources include databases, pre-formatted tables and reports.
The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank data sources. This listing will continue to be updated as additional data resources are added.
Each of the listings includes a description of the data source and a direct link to that source. Where possible, the databases are linked directly to a selection screen to allow users to select the countries, indicators, and years they would like to search. Those search results can be exported in different formats. Users can also choose to download the entire database directly from the catalog.
To query data, follow these instructions.A portal to all IMF datasets, including International Financial Statistics (IFS), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOP, World and Regional Aggregates), Financial Access Survey (FAS), Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS), Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) and Climate Change Indicator Dashboard. You can search a combination of 308 countries, regions, and NGOs. Contains 7325 economic concepts. Covers 1948-present. Freely available.
N.B.: GU only has access to the "free" version of Comtrade; we are not premium subscribers.
Annual compilation of trade statistics from over 130 countries, detailed by commodity and partner country. The data are processed into a standard format with consistent coding and valuation. All values are converted into U.S. dollars using exchange rates supplied by the countries, or derived from monthly market rates and volume of trade. For many countries, the data coverage starts as far back as 1962 and goes up to the most recent completed year.
Online version of the World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance. Comparable data collected by the World Bank to measure development outcomes. The World Bank's principal data source on the global economy. More than 550 time series, 1960-present, on more than 200 countries and 18 country groups, covering demographic, social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators.
UNICEF measures the situation of children and women and tracks progress through data collection and analysis. It maintains and updates global databases and promotes dissemination of evidence-based data for planning and advocacy.
provides time-series and cross sectional data from over 210 countries and territories covering statistics on agriculture, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, food aid, land use and population. 1961-
Gender Development Index (GDI); Human Development Index (HDI); Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI); Gender Inequality Index (GII); Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
NUCLEUS is the data portal of the International Atomic Energy Administration (IAEA) and provides access to a wide range of scientific and technical data about nuclear energy.
Data on UN peacekeeping missions, including civilian and military personnel deployed, contributions of member states, budgets, and fatalities. Current year data plus some selected historical data.