HoyaSearch is the GU Library's discovery layer and catalog. HoyaSearch data comes from Georgetown and WRLC Consortium holdings, many of the Georgetown databases, and a variety of other resources. You can find books, journal and newspaper articles, encyclopedias, images and media, and primary sources in HoyaSearch.
Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic) provides access to more than 17,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis. Nexi Uni has three primary collections: 1) full-text access to thousands of news sources in the U.S. and abroad back to the 1970s; 2) aggregated economic data on businesses, corporations, and industries in the U.S. and abroad; 3) full-text legal documents, including U.S. Federal and State court cases, and law reviews from the late 18th century to present.
One of the premier sources for legal and political information. Full-text law journals are a major part of the database, but HeinOnline also includes deep historical collections of U.S. federal government documents.
Titles digitized include the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, bills and public laws in the Statutes at Large, the United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, selected legislative histories, Supreme Court documents, Presidential documents, and more. Search the Sources of Compiled Legislative History database by Public Law or Bill number, from the 37th to the 107th Congress. The U.S. Federal Legislative History Title Collection has full text legislative histories on significant legislation in banking, civil rights, labor, digital rights, the USA PATRIOT act, and other selected laws.
ProQuest Congressional is the primary source for electronic government documents such as hearings, committee prints, CRS reports, legislative histories, the Congressional Record, federal regulations, and the U.S. Congressional Serial Set. Many documents are in full text and cover the years 1789 to the present; others are citations that are available in full text in print or microform in the library.
Provides free access to federal and state court decisions, codes, and regulations. Additionally includes the full text of the Annotated U.S. Constitution, as well as recent dockets and selected case filings from the U.S. federal district and appellate courts.
Offers extensive holdings of case and statutory law, and some administrative sources. Materials are arranged both by jurisdiction and by topic. Most of the case law is fairly recent - there are not full runs of court decisions.
Full-text publications from all academic areas of study, including the sciences, social sciences, humanities, education, computer science, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies.
Combines several of the Library's heavily used databases, including ProQuest Research Library, into one easy-to-search interface. Thousands of journals, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, and other scholarly content on a very broad range of topics and sources.
Primary index to research in American and Canadian history, including social and cultural history. Includes abstracts (summaries) of journal articles. Limit by language, time period, and document type (articles, collections of articles, books, and dissertations).
Primary index to materials for research in non-U.S./non-Canadian history, including social and cultural history. Includes abstracts (summaries) of journal articles. Covers world history from 1450 to the present.
Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with Atla’s full text collection of 350+ major religion and theology journals. This database is produced by American Theological Library Association, a membership association of collectors and connectors in religion and theology.
Indexes a fairly comprehensive list of religion periodicals with extensive coverage of essay collections and Festschriften. Covers biblical commentary, mission activity, and topics in religion and theology. The database represents the following print sources: Religion Index 1 - Periodicals, 1949-present; Religion Index 2 -Multi-author works, 1960-present; Research in Ministry, 1981-present; Index to Book Reviews in Religion, 1949-present; Methodist Reviews Index, 1818-1985. This collection now includes content from Catholic Periodical and Literature Index
ProQuest Political Science covers the literature of political science and international relations, including such topics as comparative politics, political economy, international development, environmental policy, and hundreds of related topics.
Provides access to worldwide scholarly research in literature (including drama), language, linguistics, folklore, film, radio, television, and theater, representing all national literatures. Does not include book reviews.
Fully searchable library of more than 350,000 full-text works of English and American poetry, drama, and fiction with complementary criticism, reference resources, and websites. Includes over 800 clips of poets reading their own and other poets' work.
Allows you to:
--search both the MLA International Bibliography and the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, with links to full-text articles from over 200 literature journals.
--find a list of works by or about a particular author
--search simultaneously across primary works and secondary sources
--access 1,550 author biographies
Includes full-text databases such as African-American Poetry, Twentieth-Century American Poetry, Early English Prose Fiction, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, English Drama, English Poetry.
Includes reference sources such as The Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English, Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism, Encyclopedia of the Novel, New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature, the King James Bible, and Webster's Third New International Dictionary.