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Electronic version of such older print reference sources as:
Contemporary Literary Criticism: Ref. PN 771 .C59
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism: Ref. PN 761 .N56
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism: Ref. PN 771 .G27
Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism: Ref. PN 610 .C53
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800: Ref. PN 86 .L53 1984
Shakespearean Criticism: Ref. PR 2965 .S43 1984
Poetry Criticism: Ref. PN 1010 .P499
Short Story Criticism: Ref. PN 3373 .S386
Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature: Ref. PN 41 .M42 1995
Scribner Writers Series
Twayne Authors Series
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