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Data Visualization

Online Resources

Data USA - The most comprehensive visualization of US Data

Learn OpenStreetMap - A great resource for learning how to edit OpenStreetMap.

Information is Beautiful - Visualizations by David McCandless. Lots of beautiful examples of visualizations with a strong focus on design.

Flowing Data - A data visualization blog. - A portfolio of data visualization work from one of the the graphic editors at the New York Times.

Visualising Data - A frequently updated blog that tracks the latest developments in data visualization tools, techniques, and resources.

How to Create Outstanding Modern Infographics - A written tutorial for creating infographics with Illustrator. Some basic experience with Illustrator is helpful.

The 33 Best Tools for Data Visualization - A good list of data visualization tools. Many of these tools require coding knowledge.

Infographics Best Practices - Tips to make your infographics stand out from the pack.

The top 20 infographics of 2013 - A collection of visually striking and informative infographics from

WTF Visualizations - Visualizations that make no sense.

Bad Infographics - A collection of poorly planned and executed infographics.

Evil Effects of Bad Infographics - An infographic that explains what to avoid when designing an infographic.

Library Books

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