Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with Atla’s full text collection of 350+ major religion and theology journals. This database is produced by American Theological Library Association, a membership association of collectors and connectors in religion and theology.
Indexes a fairly comprehensive list of religion periodicals with extensive coverage of essay collections and Festschriften. Covers biblical commentary, mission activity, and topics in religion and theology. The database represents the following print sources: Religion Index 1 - Periodicals, 1949-present; Religion Index 2 -Multi-author works, 1960-present; Research in Ministry, 1981-present; Index to Book Reviews in Religion, 1949-present; Methodist Reviews Index, 1818-1985. This collection now includes content from Catholic Periodical and Literature Index
Encyclopedia of Religion in America examines how religious history and practices are woven into the political, social, cultural, and historical landscape of North America. This authoritative four-volume reference work explains the origins, development, adaptation, influence, and interrelations of the many faiths practiced, including major world religions, new religious sects, cults, and religious movements that originated or had an influence in the United States.
Indexes and abstracts over 250 alternative, radical and left leaning journals, newspapers and magazines from the U.S. and abroad. Topics covered include anarchism, democracy, ecology, feminism, gay and lesbian issues, indigenous peoples, labor, national liberation and socialism.