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A New Era of Bioethics At Georgetown: Resources for the Kennedy Institute of Ethics 50th Anniversary Symposium

The Ethics of Pandemics: Panel Discussion Resources


Daniel Sulmasy

Sulmasy DP, Veatch RM. Should institutions disclose the names of employees with Covid19? Hastings Center Report. 2020;50 (May-June): 25-27. DOI: 10.1002/hast.1107

Sulmasy DP. Principled decisions and virtuous care: an ethical assessment of the SIAARTI guidelines for allocating intensive care resources. Minerva Anestesiol 2020;86:872-876. doi:10.23736/S0375-9393.20.14691-1

Sulmasy DP, Maldonado F. Counterpoint: Is it ethically permissible to unilaterally withdraw life-sustaining treatments during crisis standards of care? No. Chest (in press, 2021). DOI:

Sulmasy DP, Maldonado F.  Rebuttal from Drs Sulmasy and Maldonado. Chest (in press, 2021). DOI:

Sulmasy DP. Are COVID-19 challenge trials ethical? JAMA Internal Medicine (in press, 2021)

Gaurke MK, Prusak B, Jeong KY, Scire EM, Sulmasy DP. Life-years and rationing in the COVID-19 pandemic: A critical analysis. Hastings Center Report (in press, 2021)


Lawrence Gostin

Schmidt, H.; Weintraub, R.; Williams, M.A.; Miller, K.; Buttenheim A.; Sadecki, E.; Wu H.; Doiphode, A.; Nagpal, N.; Gostin, L.O.; Shen, A.A. Equitable allocation of COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. Nature Medicine. 2021 May 18. doi: 10.1038/s41591-021-01379-6. Online ahead of print.

Gostin, L.O.; Cohen, I.G.; Shaw, J. Digital health passes in the age of COVID-19: are "vaccine passports" lawful and ethical? JAMA. 2021 May 18; 325(19): 1933-1934. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.5283.

Ekström, A.M.; Berggren, C.; Tomson, G.; Gostin, L.O.; Friberg, P.; Ottersen, O.P. The battle for COVID-19 vaccines highlights the need for a new global governance mechanism.  Nature Medince. 2021 May; 27(5): 739-740. 

Gostin, L.O. The coronavirus pandemic 1 year on-what went wrong? JAMA. 2021 March 23; 325(12): 1132-1133. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.3207.

Gostin, L.O.; Salmon, D.A.; Larson, H.J. Mandating COVID-19 vaccines. JAMA. 2021 February 9; 325(6): 532-533. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.26553.


Christine Grady

Isaacs David. The precautionary principle, the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine and mixed messaging. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2021 April; 57(4): 472-473.

Jaffe,E.; Goldfarb, I.T,: Lyerly, A.D. The costs of contradictory messages about live vaccines in pregnancy. American Journal of Public Health. 2021 March;111(3): 498-503. 

Grimani, A.; Bonell, C.; Michie. S.; Antonopoulou,V.; Kelly, M.P.; Vlaev, I. Effect of prosocial public health messages for population behaviour change in relation to respiratory infections: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open. 2021 January 13;11(1): e044763. 

Wolf, L.; Ulrich, Connie M.; Grady, Christine. Emergency nursing, ebola, and public policy: the contributions of nursing to the public policy conversation. Hastings Center Report. 2016 September; 46(Suppl1): S35-38.


Henry Richardson

Emanuel, Ezekiel J., et. al. An ethical framework for global vaccine distribution. Science. 2020 Sep 11;3 69(6509): 1309-1312

On Pandemics, Vaccines, Age, and Global Justice: A Conversation with Henry Richardson and Nancy Jecker. 2020. Kennedy Institute of Ethics. (video)

Richardson, Henry S. Articulating the Moral Community: Toward a Constructive Ethical Pragmatism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018

Richardson, Henry S.  Democratic Autonomy: Public Reasoning about the Ends of Policy.  New York; NY: Oxford University Press, 2002


Patrick Smith

Smith, Patrick T. Racism, Broadly Speaking, and the Work of Bioethics: Some Conceptual Matters.  American Journal of Bioethics. 2021 February; 21(2): 7-10

Smith, Patrick T.; Mildred Solomon.  Advancing Social Justice, Health Equity, and Community.  The Hastings Center. Callahan Lecture. 2021 January 3. (video)

Smith, Patrick T.  What next? Thinking ethically about mitigating COVID-19 -- a focus on the margins. Kenan's COVID Commentaries. Kenan Institute for Ethics. 2020 March 23. 

Smith, Patrick T.  "There's no harm in talking"...true...but it depends on how we talk and what we then do".  American Journal of Bioethics. 2020 December; 20(12): 32-34. Comment on: McCarthy, M.; Homan, M.; Rozier, M. There's no harm in talking: re-establishing the relationship between theological and secular bioethics. American Journal of Bioethics. 2020 December; 20(12): 5-13


Karen Stohr


Washingtonian magazine “Ask a Coronavirus Ethicist” column (alternated with Dan Sulmasy)

Philosophy Talk podcast interview on Covid ethics and etiquette

Kojo Nnamdi show appearance on Covid dilemmas

Our New Age of Contempt” New York Times opinion piece

“Why We Argue” podcast interview on democracy and civility

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