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Georgetown University Archives

This guide introduce researchers to the Georgetown University Archives: what we do, what materials we have, and how to get started with identifying and using material in the Archives.

Digital Georgetown

Digital Georgetown is the mechanism by which researchers can find digitized materials from the University Archives. These digitized materials include select publications, photographs, audio recordings, and other primary source materials. You can access the University Archives material on Digital Georgetown through this link. See the information below for a brief listing of what you can expect to find on Digital Georgetown.


Georgetown College Journal: Georgetown's first student newspaper started in 1872. It is digitized from 1872-1920, when the Hoya began publication. This source has a lot of great details about things like athletics, campus life, student organizations, alumni, events, and buildings or other physical changes to campus.

The Hoya: One of Georgetown's current student newspapers which began publication in 1920. It is digitized from 1920-2000. More current issues can be found on The Hoya's own website. Again with this source, there is a lot of information about everyday student life, events and University administrative decisions, among many other topics.

Georgetown University Yearbook (Ye Domesday Booke): Digitized from 1901-2011. The content in the yearbooks varies a lot over the years but they are typically a good record of student life on campus including the various clubs and athletics (albeit more image heavy and with not as many details as the other publications), but there is also information about events, faculty members, and changes to campus. A few of the early issues just cover the Law School. From roughly the 1910s and into the 1940s, the yearbooks combined all schools (including the professional schools) before deciding to focus just on the main undergraduate student body. Researchers should note that Ye Domesday Book was not published in 1903, 1906, 1907, 1945, and 1946.

Georgetown Alumni Magazine: Digitized from 1948-1968. These contain typically short snippets or articles about campus development, athletics, Alumni Association activities, and class notes.

Veterans Interest Newsletter: This newsletter is compiled and published by the Georgetown University Veterans Initiatives Program. The issues are published monthly and focus on different topics related to veterans and the military, and include various statistics related to those topics. The newsletter began publication in 2016 and new issues are added each month.


Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) Photographs Collection: The images in this collection highlights teaching, social justice, and service-learning programs at Jesuit institutions.

Photographic Selections from the University Archives: This collection contains 500 images of people, places, and events related to Georgetown University dating from the 1850s to 2000.

Audio-Visual Materials:

Audio Archives: Audio recordings of events or programs that were either held at or associated with Georgetown University. They include conferences and visits by politicians, diplomats, and clergy. Speakers include Konrad Adenauer, Eugene McCarthy, and Henry Kissinger, as well as University administrators and faculty such as Edward B. Bunn, S.J., Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., Carroll Quigley, Jan Karski, and Joseph T. Durkin, S.J. The tapes date from 1937 to 1977.

Special Events Tapes: Audio recordings of selected events, mostly held at Georgetown, dated between 1947 and 1974. They include recordings of commencements, conferences, concerts and other student activities, and lectures and discussions. Speakers include: McGeorge Bundy, Abba Eban, Etienne Gilson, John Glenn, Kurt Kiesinger, V. K. Menon, Walter Reuther, Eunice Shriver, Sargent Shriver, and Roy Wilkins, among many others. Some external events such as presidential inaugurations are included, as well as examples of educational radio programming.

Georgetown University Football Collection: Video game footage, in whole or in part, dating from 2007-2010.

Institute for the Study of Diplomacy Lectures: Selected audio recordings of lectures hosted by the Institute from the 1970s through the 2000s. The recordings focus on the Weintal, Trainor, and Iden Lectures.

LGBTQ Oral Histories: The Sivagami "Shiva" Subbaraman Oral History Collection contains recorded interviews between Subbaraman, the founding director of the LGBTQ Resource Center, and various members of the Georgetown community as they recount the formation and growth of the LGBTQ Resource Center at Georgetown University. The collection also includes an interview with Lorri Jean (Law '83) who details her involvement in the Civil Rights lawsuit filed by two student groups against the University in 1979.

Other Primary Source Materials:

Faculty handbooks from 1957-1999

Student catalogs and prospectuses from 1850-2000

Selections from Philodemic Archives from the 1830s

Select Georgetown College financial ledgers dating from 1789-1915

Alumni association ledgers from 1868-1883

Baseball scorebook from 1869-1873

Georgetown College Cadets Constitution and Bylaws from 1855-1872

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