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Artificial Intelligence (Generative) Resources

AI and Teaching

An excellent compilation of resources on integrating generative AI in instruction by the GU Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS). Includes information on effective assignment design principles and related policies. 

A Committee formed to support faculty trial uses of AI systems in a wide variety of class settings. The specific charge includes the following: 1) identifying alternative faculty support mechanisms for trial uses of AI within courses they teach; 2) defining a process of soliciting faculty proposals and identifying the nature of the proposals; 3) proposing an evaluation protocol for proposals received; and 4) identifying an evaluative process to judge whether each funded pilot achieved its goals. 

Campus & Library Policies and AI

Current AI-Focused GU Events/Workshops

The GU Initiative on Pedagogical Uses of Artificial Intelligence (IPAI)'s call for proposals advancing the adaptation and integration of AI tools in educational endeavors. 

The Future Trends Forum is a weekly live video conversation space that collaboratively explores the future of higher education, including the implications of AI and its tools. Use the Archive to locate past recorded sessions focused on the intersection of AI and the academia.  

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